
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Step Three

Step Three :
 Made a Decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of  God as we understood him.

In the first step we acknowledge that we are living a crazy life.  Crazy because we try to control, for example, another person's crazy lifestyle, our own, or a complete stranger's, our children's, other people's children, the dog down the street, and possibly even  the next door teenager's hairstyle.   

In the second step we come to a conclusion that there must be Someone who can help us as we can not find our way out of our crazy life by ourselves. 

When you take the  third step you may think you  are giving up a lot. You  may think you are giving up control over other people, your addictions, your friends, your family and your co-workers.  If you think that , then you are wrong because in fact you never had control over any of those things in the first place.

  I want you to imagine what you would look like if I told you to go try to control the wind.  You would say that I am the crazy  one for asking you to do that.  If  you did go out and try to run a round blocking the wind ,trying to catch it, to slow it down or speed it up ,you would soon realize that that is impossible.  You would invariably look like a fool trying to do it.

That is exactly what most of us have done when dealing with  the unhealthy crazy situations in our lives..we have been as effective and  as crazy looking  as  someone chasing  the wind.

 This Step says that we  now know that we have to let Someone Else do their job.

 Its Time.

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