
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Step One

1We admitted that we were powerless over  alcohol .... and that our lives had become unmanageable.

The above statement is Step One of any  Twelve Step program. The word alcohol can be substituted by anything that a person may try to have control over.  

By the term 'anything' that means just that ..anything.  Anything can be your mother, your father, your friend, your in laws,  your professor, your boss, your co worker, your customer,  your drinking, your gambling, your smoking, your eating. the guy driving in front, behind, or beside you, your dog, your cat, your children, or your disease. 

 I believe some indicators  that your life is unmanageable  are if you  lie   awake  at night  reliving all the slights and wrongs done to you during the day,  eat or hide  things in the  basement , car, garage, attic, or crawl space , and have at least once in the past week  yelled at a store clerk, teacher,  government worker, or pedistrian on the street.

If you have the telephone numbers of the police, social worker, mental health councilor, credit card issuer, as well as the Liquor Delivery Taxi memorized to the tune of God Save the Queen you have  issues that need to be addressed.

Another clue to unmanageability might  be indicated when  your  friends find excuses to change the subject, hang up, or walk away whenever your ' issue ' comes up in the conversation. If you are on anti depressants, mood stabilizers and sleeping pills all at the same time and you still find life to be 'high paced" Step One might be just what you need. 

An that's Step One in a nutshell.

FYI..that would be a non addictive, fully paid for, and totally legal nutshell.


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