
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Beep ! Beep!


No pain.

No drugs.

No fetch and carry by significant other.

No more excuse not to have a shower, do the dishes, sweep the floor, practice my fiddle, dust, or stay awake all day long. Whining and griping and wallowing in a state of malaise will now be too noticeable to get away with doing it longer than 15 minutes at a time.

I am not sure but it was either the drugs making the  swelling of the knee recede allowing the whatever had to be slipped back into place slip back, or the fact that I slept on that horrible weird new bed. Perhaps it was the  casual thrown out  comment that "they shoot horses don't they....?" 

No threat of  being left behind on the trail.

No coyote bait here..

                                                                    ...until the next time.

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