
Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's OVER! :(

No more camping  for this year.
  No more popcorn on the fire.
   No more fish fried in butter.
    No more marshmallows roasted.
     No more fishing.
      No more wood chopping.
       No more beer drinking.
        No more hooting of the owls, calling of the elk, honking of the geese.
         No more watching for skunk or mink.
          No more shimmering trees.
           No more smoke in the eyes.
            No more coyote howls.
             No more Lesser Legs, Loons, or Grebes.
              No more games of Dominoes under the stars.
               No more reading by shoulder flashlight.
                 No more flies and mosquitos, hornets or bees.

                      Not minding all the No Mores of this fall,

                           I do Know More than I did last spring,

                             So in saying Goodbye to it all,

                               Camping has proven to be a very good thing.


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