
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Books eh?

Recently an acquaintance mentioned that they would never keep a book in the house that they had already read.   In her words, "Why would one?"

Now this in itself is not on the surface a very enticing remark due any further commentary or elicitation of judgement or condemnation on the part of the listener except for the fact  that the listener has approximately 5 to 10 thousand books on random shelves throughout their house.  Further to this, the speaker of this seemingly  innocent statement  recently had been a guest in the house and as the speaker was sighted she would have been aware of the walls covered in book shelves housing an  untold number of ideas, innumerable plots of Fiction and History, 
not to mention 6 sets of encyclopedias. As I was the listener in this conversation I graciously let the comment pass while at the same time tucked it away into the Insult Pocket to be examined, rhumenated over, and finally burned with the heat of a blazing charcoal fire until the memory and respect for the comment maker was mere dust scattered in the wind.

 It did cause me to pause and ask myself why indeed did I insist on having so many books. I came to this  or rather these conclusions which follow in no particular order:

1. Many of the books are books from my childhood.  The Encyclopedia of Animals kept me company while I languished with Red Measels for 3 weeks in my mother's darkened room.  I also treasure my copy of Little Women  because  I again being ill  remember exactly how I felt when I read it and how my aching ear felt as well.  I remember tears falling from my eyes and seeping into my ear canal as I read . It was a red book. 

I still have the book that I was reading while I was in labour with my last child and I know exactly where on the shelf it is.

The Complete Works of Mark Twain is a book I will always treasure as my mother bought it for me at a garage sale for 25 cents.  My most favourite gift from her. 

2. Many of the books are my long lost and far away  childrens' books.  Books they received at Christmases with their names written in and the date they received them.  Some books are ones that they especially asked for like the Condensed Classic Series--those little thick square books.  I made it a rule that if my child took the time to write their name in a book then that book stays until they themselves decide to give them up.

3. By far most of the books are those of. my husband.  Science Fiction, History, Mystery, Horror, Computer, Plants, Art,  Gaming and Novels , along with manuals, magazines, and a set of Great Books from the Encyclopedia Brittanica  all fill many many shelves in the house. 

4.  I remember often where I was and what I was doing when I read a book.  I was once reading a Catherine Cookson novel in the car while the kids were at ball practice.  I read South Pacific while travelling to Alaska with a tent.  My husband read Aztec and Marco Polo the first winter we were married ...I know this because he carried them around with him all the time. 

So I guess my response to the thinly veiled query  as to  why  would I  keep a book after I read it is because for me a book is not only the story, the binding or even the feel whether it be hard cover or paperback.   It is the experience.

When I look around at the shelves of books I look at my own history and the history of my family and each one has a special meaning, even the unread ones as often they too bring back memories of where they were purchased as well as giving comfort to know that after one has finished the book in hand there are some still close by to pick up to make another memory. 

So thoughtless person who passively aggressively made the seemingly innocuous comment I just want you to know that I noticed the disrespect and perhaps also a bit of self doubt that was revealed in the making of it. 

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