
Friday, February 14, 2014


Hummm. 'Someone had to go to Town today".

If I were a 'Bet Taking Woman' these are the "Nay" odds I give that one of the following will be brought home:

1. Roses --- 15 to 1 .
2. Chocolates in a heart shaped box--10 to 1....
3. Diamond earrings (faux) --20 to 1.
4. Real Diamond anything --Double down 150 to 1.
5. A NEW car.---All Bets are 20 -1. With cash down--no limit.
6. A bottle of red wine --the bubbly kind--in the fancy red twist off top plastic container--5 to 1.
7. A big bag of Cheezies---3 to 1.
8.The cake that I have already ordered from the Bakery-- that has "Happy Birthday Irwin " written on it...which I put on the list- is actually picked up. --2 to 1.
9. A new broom from the Co-op (advertised special)--3 to 1.
10. Lingerie--aka--Lace for the Potato--7 to 1.
11. That he comes home at all-- All bets off.

The house does not make book on certainties.

BETS are ON !
...5 will get you 10 if you can guess the 'rest of the story'

 Valentine Surprise was...
 A Five pound box of pork breakfast sausages that were on sale.

A surprise is a surprise..
 I suppose,

                   I suppose.

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