
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Jigsaw Truth

Truth has a natural attraction about it. One may not like it, want to hear it, think it, or even seek it out, but we, as humans, do  search for truth just as assuredly as this middle aged muddle headed woman seeks out chocolate and onion rings.

I find that often original thought, rare as it is, most always is the most truthful. It's as if  when the combination of logic, fact, and the ability to organize the truth verbally, occur at the same time a new idea is then  born.  When one  thinks about it,  it really  isn't an idea if it isn't original.  If it's not original it's just sort of a copy of an idea; a facsimile if you  want to use technical terms. This facsimile is not necessarily less truthful, but it doesn't rank the merit of an idea because it hasn't got the 'first time it has been thought of' factor to it.

  I judge if something is true if it gives me that completeness feeling .  Anyone who has had the privilege of  finally putting in the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle after much searching, testing, and analyzing will understand what I mean by the completeness feeling.  Its the feeling that nothing need more be said, done, or explained with regards to that thought,  and as a consequence something  new has been created in the being of the one to whom the truth has been made evident.   An idea has thus been born, and in that sense the idea is original to the one who has undergone the process.
  The consequential truth discovery does not preclude others from discovering and discerning the same idea  from the same process of  searching and completeness.

Why am I so caught up in truth, ideas and consequential independent and original thought?  I think one reason is that I love the truth .   I love the feeling when I have the opportunity to experience the  'Ah Huh' moment.
I appreciate and yearn to be told the truth in all its  sometimes cold clarity. Nothing can be solved , cured, or  truly celebrated without truth being at the basis.

Another reason I worry about truth is because I find it such a rare commodity in our politicians and professionals.  I suspect there is more 'facisimilies' of truth being bandied about as rules of society rather than much clear thinking or  analyzing of facts.  Consequently, when the politician or law maker decides on what is truth they have no inner understanding of what it actually means.  What some of these people deem to be truth is merely some faded copy that   perhaps needs updating to be complete. 

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, more disrespectful than the luke warmth of mediocre communication based on befuddled thinking and misinformation. If one is going to use the energy to express an opinion, at least give the listener the respect of having done some thinking which involves the process of truth finding, before expressing it.

Otherwise, you might as just as well hand out a pamphlet that someone else has written.

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