
Sunday, January 4, 2015


 In my quest to live minimally, I am attempting to what my  former owner of a TRS 80  Model I husband would refer to as defragging my house. 

   I even have a Social Media feed about living minimally from which I receive daily reminders about how happy, productive, spiritual , and rich I will become when I live a truly minimalistic simple  life.

The main barrier between living the life I live and the life with minimal belongings, things, and general over abundance is that in order to do so I must not not only stop buying stuff, but I must also stop owning stuff.   My cupboards must become decluttered, the bottom of the shelves in my closets must become readily visible, and my knick knack shelves filled with my collection of owls, elephants, and fish have to be limited to only things that are usable, memory laden, or  that which, due to its own physical properties, will become used passively and thus naturally disappear over time...such as candles, candies, and in my house...plants.

I started this process of minimization on a two day binge of cleaning, sorting, wiping, piling, bagging, boxing, and throwing and I have come to the conclusion that  there really isn't anything minimal about becoming living minimally. 

 It takes  quite a lot of work to pick up, examine, evaluate, decide, sort and sacrifice something that one has kept sometimes for decades 'just in case', something that has become like an old friend that one has touched, and yes it must be admitted, even fondled from time to time.

If not buying stuff would automatically make me a minimalist and thus make me and my house  happier, cleaner, and  more organized I could do so in a heartbeat as I live about an hour from any real venue of non necessities.  This fact and the wonderful ability to daily raconteur one's bank account online has proven to be a wonderful deterrent (if not actual hobby) in keeping the balance from being in the red.

Simply saying KISS takes more effort than it looks, takes more courage than it seems, and  takes more faith in the future than one would ever believe. 

May the  expiry date of the food in your pantry  be at least a month away; may your socks sometimes match, and may you learn to own less than you want but just what you need.

*KISS...  refers to KISS it Goodbye.....


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