
Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Car Party

Tis the Season for Gaiety, Gifts , and Get Togethers. So when I was emailed a few weeks ago about a Legion  Pot Luck Christmas Party that  my local Legion Branch was invited to  in the town just down the highway, I decided  that it was time that we started participating in the  heraldry of the Festive Season.

I booked off work.  I organized the roasting and seasoning of ribs.  I planned the 'Bean Pot' casserole.  I chose carefully the mode of transportation  of  food to venue-- keeping in mind the risk of tipping and juice leakage.

All went well.  Lots of parking it seemed at the Legion Hall upon our arrival so we didn't have issues with carrying casseroles into the building.  I did notice almost immediately  while standing at the doorway , that there was very little activity in the kitchen and before I could comment I was greeted by an acquaintance that informed us that the evening supper was being catered to and there was no need for a potluck. 

Knowing that plans often were changed  on short notice we returned our food offerings to the back of the van and  went back to the hall.

After paying for our meal ticket and sitting down at the table and not unlike a character from an episode of that long ago television show "Where are You Now?" , I  slowly got  an inkling of something strange in the air as a) the Bar  was not  opened and I had understood that Happy Hour was to be held from 5-6--- thus explaining our  early arrival time; and b) I  did not recognize  anyone as Legion members per se  sitting at the tables. These feelings of  uncertainty were easily put aside due to the warmth and welcome of everyone in the room.

 This  warm holiday hospitality helped  to glean over any question of date and locale even when  I was a bit taken aback as it was announced that the membership fees were $25 this year as our Branch's fees are somewhat higher.  That and the fact that this Branch was selling calendars for $15 was again a source of  mild surprise as I hadn't realized that Legion Branches were selling calendars as a fund raiser.  

It wasn't until the comments about auctioning off some cars were made that I realized that ' even if I knew where I was doesn't mean that that is where I thought I was'.  In fact it finally occurred to me that I was pretty much in the right place at the wrong time as 'my' Legion Pot Luck supper had been held the evening before and I was in actuality attending the Saskatchewan Rustriders Antique Car Club's Christmas Party.

  There hadn't been a change from Pot Luck to catering, there hadn't been a change in membership fees, and the Legion had not started selling 'car' calendars to raise money. 

When I explained my error to the Master of Ceremonies I was assured that our presence was welcome and there was enough food for all .

So there we sat surrounded by a roomful of die hard car enthusiasts.  We were entertained by lovely music of Guitar Playing and Country and Western Singing, Joke Telling, and Gift Exchange (which we were allowed to be part of in spite of not having brought any gifts ...if you don't count the two  rapidly cooling casseroles in the van).

It was quite a lovely evening.  The conversation around the tables consisted of discussions and debates of various exhaust systems, paint, carburetors, and engine specifications . 

One of the most unusual and probably unique aspects of attending a Christmas party of car enthusiasts was the much anticipated Car Auction.

At the head table on display there were about 10  New Hot Wheel  Classic Model Cars 'still in the package '.  Midway through the evening of singing entertainment the action turned to an auction of these Classic Model Cars.  Each car was duly taken around the table so that all potential buyers knew the make , model, year, and colour of each .  There wasn't one miniature model that did not illicit knowledgeable comments about engine size, gear ratio, or muffler specifics.

  An auctioneer was assigned and the bidding was  ON!

Not one of those little  classic model cars were sold for less than $20 and some even went for $40.  My husband and I watched the auction with interest and amusement as the good natured jibes and 'one upmanship' bidding raised the value of each car to many many more times than its 'normal' worth at Wal Mart.  

After the auction had been completed and the cars turned over to their new owners, I realized that all the proceeds of the sale were going to go towards the local Secret Santa Program for the underprivileged --just proving that the Hot Wheel cars weren't the only things that were Classy at this Christmas party.

It was all in all a happy accident that could have happened to is proven by  the guy that sat close to us  as he had accidently attended the Legion  Christmas Party held  the previous  night thinking that the Car Party was being held on that date.

 It is all part of the Saskatchewan Small Town Experience that people can just show up at a group function and are welcomed as long lost neighbours and friends.

I am going to another Legion Christmas party next Sunday...or at least I think I am.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

What Good Service Looks Like Part 1

Yesterday after a particular harrowing experience at a local Optical Store in Yorkton, Saskatchewan...see previous post... I had the occasion to visit Canadian Tire in the same city.

The outlet was moderately busy with the hustle and bustle of clerks and shoppers interacting cordially and pleasantly.

My husband decided on his purchase and told me that he would go to the cashier ,  pay for his item, and take the item straight out to the car.   It was understood that I would stay in Canadian Tire until his return.

After several minutes after I had done my browsing I decided that my husband had had probably enough time to return to the store so I actively started looking for him.

I had toured the store  at least two times without any success so I had the idea to phone him on his cell phone.  After digging through my purse I realized that I had left my own phone in the vehicle.

What to do? 
I approached a clerk by the paint counter and  after explaining my dilemma I asked if he could call my husband on his  phone thinking he would use the store's phone on the counter.

This clerk, however, took out his very own personal phone and handed it to me and said that I was welcome to use it to call my husband.

Which I did and immediately got in touch with my husband who was a mere two aisles away.

Wonderful service from the clerk who went above and beyond what I had expected.  He lent me the use of his very own property in order to help out a potential customer.

BRAVO Kind Sir!

Loblaws Superstore Optical Yorkton

I recently went to Loblaw Optical in Yorkton Superstore in Yorkton, Sask.

I had ordered two pair of glasses there about a month ago. I paid for them upfront .

I received a phone call about a week ago telling me that my glasses were in and I could pick them up.

Yesterday, during a miserable prairie day that included freezing rain warnings I travelled to Yorkton..a one hour drive..specifically to pick up the glasses. 

Upon arriving at the Optical centre I told the receptionist who I was and she said that I would be required  to talk to the technician before I could get my glasses . There were a couple of other women ahead of me. I suggested that perhaps I would come back in 15 minutes and the receptionist nodded that that would be ok. 

In fifteen minutes I returned and the receptionist told me that it would be another 45 minutes because the technician had JUST gone into a consultation with a contact lenses measurement.

I said that that is ok..I would just take the glasses anyway.

The receptionist told me that it was against the law to give me my glasses without talking to the technician first.

I explained that I was from out of town and expressed that I didn't really want to wait another 45 minutes..and that I would just take the glasses and go. 

  The receptionist told me that they had 'lots of people from out of town" and that I couldn't get my glasses until I talked to the technician because it wasn't legal.  

I then asked if I came back in 45 minutes could she put me in a queue so that I would talk to the technician then...the receptionist told me that I couldn't have that done because it was a 'walk in clinic' and they don't take appointments..(apparently they do take appointments for contact lens measurements however.)

I then stated that either I get my glasses now or give me my money back. It was about this time the receptionist told me I was rude and not to return to their place of business again....which I readily agreed to...but I still needed my glasses. 

The technician came out and proceeded to talk to the receptionist in the back room and then told me never to come back to the store again and that I was a very rude person..and that they didn't like dealing with people like me , and I must never never come back again...which I readily agreed to do...but that I still wanted my glasses and I would gladly go.

There was a customer's husband sitting waiting for his wife to get the contact lenses measured who chimed in against me telling me I was rude and asked me why I was giving the receptionist and technician a hard time....which I totally ignored and did not reply to at all...In fact after the first comment I turned my back on him and ignored his taunts..focusing on my need and repeated requests for either my money back or my glasses.

  The issue I had was not the fact that the contact lens person had an issue was that I wanted my glasses so I could go on my way.  I had no problem with the technician serving the contact lens problem was that I wanted my glasses. ..simple as that...the contact lens person had  prearranged appointment. --.I had no demands to stop that appointment in I don't understand why the customer's husband was berating me other than some character trait of his own driving his actions.  

The receptionist and technician commented again (they did this about 15 times in my mind) that I was a rude person who they did not want in their store ever again...and they mentioned that they even had 'back up' from the customer's husband who commented again about what was going on and how I was bothering these people...I could hear him swear .

Finally after I am guessing about 5 to 8 minutes of this back an forth horrible attack on my personal character the receptionist brought out one pair of glasses and again told me never to come back...

I then asked for the second pair of glasses... She said ,Y"ou have another pair? She looked up on the computer and realized that I had indeed paid  for prescription sunglasses-- also on order . I asked if they were ready too and she replied in the same voice she had used all during the conversation...'no they aren't ready yet '... I took the first pair of glasses and said I would be back on Tuesday to see if the sunglasses were in.

All in all this was a horrible experience. I feel I was bullied for whatever reason by the receptionist , the technician, and the unnamed husband of the contact lenses person.

I did not swear. I did not intimidate. I did not call names. I did not label. I did not bang or threaten in any way.  (I did tap on the counter as I recall)

I was firm in my desire to get my glasses without benefit of having a technician due to road conditions and time restraints.

I was never told that there was a possibility of having well over an hour wait to pick up the glasses when I purchased the glasses or when I was phoned that I could pick them up.  

I was not treated with respect as I was told I was a horrible person with a bad attitude...and told repeatedly over and over and over again never to return..even when I  readily agreed that I would not. There would be a lull in the conversation and the technician would say it again to me and I would I won't come back...another lull and then the receptionist would say something about my horrible character and I would say that I won't come back...and then they would repeat it again. The fact that they allowed another customer to chime in when I never even addressed any comment to him or about the contact lens customer  was also  abusive.

The receptionist did not tell me that if I left in the first instance..when I said that I would shop for 15 minutes..that the technician would be busy for  the next 45 minutes at 1:00. If I had known that I might have chosen to do other errands in Yorkton and then perhaps returned at 2pm .. But when I returned after the first 15 minutes and then was told I would have to wait another 45 minutes and only MAYBE get to see the technician....without any chance of being in a queue because it was a 'walk in clinic' without appointments except for contact lenses people I felt I didn't want to 'hang' around on the off chance of being put off again for another hour...especially in light of the rain warning on the highways.

I am beginning to think that the reason they told me so many times not to come back as it is a method to insure that I can't complain about the glasses.

It was a very upsetting experience. My background in getting new glasses has often involved having them mailed out to me so when I asked just to be given the glasses it did not seem like such an unreasonable solution to the problem.

Actually the glasses I did receive don't feel as good as I would like but  I didn't get an opportunity to even put them on my face as I felt I had to get out ASAP. If I had known how they felt before leaving I could have possibly left them there and talked to the technician another time. That option wasn't even considered by either the receptionist or I was told almost as soon as I said I would take the glasses or my money to never return to the store again.

I am a woman of Metis descent which may or may not have played into the situation.

I have had some experience with working with bullying as I am a former university degree teacher,   and have worked in areas dealing with dysfunction and abuse. I believe I was a victim of a sort of gang bulling mentality from the receptionist , technician and customer in this situation.

I talked to the manager in Yorkton Superstore about this incident .  He didn't take my name or number...but I did feel that he listened to my complaint.

My biggest concern now is 'How am I going to get the sunglasses which are paid for and on order?" How am I going to walk into that place of business without going through that whole ordeal once more?  I certainly am not allowing that technician to discuss the quality of sunglasses with me...a sort of intimate scene..after she had berated me and insulted my character yesterday. 

@  an aside note:  The receptionist finally did give me the glasses...without my consulting with the did she break the law  that she cited almost from the beginning or did she not?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Ukraine Today

This is part of a letter I received from a friend who is a native of Ukraine and  who is currently living there..  I thought it important that people are allowed to read about his perception of what is happening in his country.

 I think not many people know the truth about this war and situation around it. Russian people

affected by a modern technology turn a person in zombie. Their TV is lieing about Ukraine a lot and

showing a lot of movies about war. They want to increase level of agression against Ukrainian. I

think some a new experiment is running in Russia, how  provoke hate form people to close friends,

relatives and common people in short period of time. 

As I wrote you before I had had a lot of work last weeks. I do not know why but I think the war also

gives a part of trouble in general situation. This is the biggest part. All discussions between people

are around of military, Russia, war, poverty, a fear to lose a job, how to live in the nearest and distant

future. Everybody turns to deep crisis in every conversation like it or not. Russia with criminal

rabbels in the Donetsk region deploy  forces and any bony knows when they can start attack.

People in that region are very sufferin from the famine, espesially old people. Russia do not give any

help for people who live on the occupy teritories by Russian militants and pro-Russia domestic crime.

Moreover, they do not give any a possibility to send some the humanitarian help from Ukrainian side.

Russian militant bandits take from the civil people businesses, cars, food, houses, every thing that has

some value. Who has a tommy gun that has a privileges. My friends said me that who was garbage

because did not want to work, now with gun is desiding who will live in Donetsk region. Hundreds

thousands people left this region but a lot of there are there. It is really horrible.  

On the other hand life is running and I try to continue to learn Engnlish in spite of difficult situation

around me. I am responsible for my family at first and I must make every effort for changing

situation for us at least.