
Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Winter's Wind

 Wind on a winter's night

That swirls in and over above beneath each branch and blade of grass.
Across the field and through the trees and slams against window panes that shake as the invisible sweeps through unseen spaces.
Nature's orchestra struts and waltzes as gusts hum and moan. Cold dark leafless bark encrusted stems do sway and grasses play their swishing rhythm of sighs as mice and birds bide their time dug deep and warm where the blind wind simply passes by as it engulfs and tests whatever dares to stand against its cold hard strength.
Quiet will return as the World is stilled once more.
The grass will stand firm and tree limbs will rest ready for when Winter's next frozen icey grip returns with its clicks and swishes to demand its right to a frigid night dance encore.