Well, within one day of writing this my baby will be one year farther away from being my baby. She will have completed another year of being a grown woman, with adult freedoms and adult responsiblities.
But being my baby, the youngest of four babies, I think there will always be a place in my heart where she is still the little pink skinned. round headed, fair haired girlie that I brought home . After a 3 week stay in the hospital, awaiting the grand arrival, Heidi was born at 4:30 in the afternoon with almost every nurse on the floor coming to watch. I think they had been taking bets when/if this baby was ever going to be born. Her Dad was there witnessing it all--the only birth he did witness.
Grandma and Grandpa D. happened to walk in just in time to find out that Heidi was coming into the world at that very moment. And, true to form, Grandma and Grandpa D. LEFT the hospital to go shopping. They came back in time to watch me do the first baby wash up. The nurses came and took the baby after a few minutes and told me to get some sleep. There were about 6 other babies born that day in this particular hospital. When I awoke, I heard an infant cry and went to the doorway of my room and called the nurse asking, "Is that my baby crying?"; and yes , indeed, it was my Heidi Ho. They were quite surprized that I knew my baby's cry so soon after having met her.
Heidi Jayne fit right in. She was the apple of her big sister Sarah's eye who referred to her as 'the newborn baby'. There was nothing that Sarah wouldn't have done, given, or sacrificed for the 'new born baby'. She even offered up her treasured stuffed animal bag to me so that I would have something to put the 'new born baby's ' things into. I suspect one could still cause tears of regret to well up in Sarah's eyes if one ever brought up the time she dropped her treasured sister when she went to lift her out of her playpen. Happily no harm was done except some of Sarah's heart was broken .
Heidi has another sister closer in age ,who being 2 1/2 at time of her arrival, simply was not all that impressed with a baby who had no teeth, no hair, and couldn't play or eat. Nope, Rachel was not pleased. Of course, that time soon passed as the two youngest girls became good playmates while the other siblings were off to school.
The big brother of the family , being seven years old, pretty much tolerated another girl baby being brought into the house but was a dutiful brother when it came to running and fetching things for mom while the baby was young. Alexander was a willing and able sleigh and wagon puller for baby, as well as being the 'cat' when playing house.
The first away trip for Heidi would have been staying at the cottage at the tender age of 1 week. July was always cottage month for the family and Heidi and her carriage landed on the beach with mosquito netting and playpen. Her first birthday was at the lake. I think everyone in the family remembers the 'pink' shovel.
Some memorable moments for Heidi as she grew up are: having a chicken bone in her foot, having a nail from a board in her foot , skating at Sheho, falling off her bike and spilling her candies on the gravel road (which Rachel went and picked up for her ), playing in the water trough sans clothing, playing in the sandpile, kittens from the barn, chocolate chips in the play refridgerator, tea parties, playing house in the barn loft, playing with the old Christmas trees in the snow, shows in Yorkton, cake decorating, getting books from the library, getting her passport by herself at 16, composing at the piano, cottage time with Dad, hurting her knee, surprise Santa Gifts at age 17, two trips to build houses in Mexico, scrapbooking, wilderness camping, and working in the school cafeteria.
Heidi has to have the BEST sense of humor and the most beautiful smile set off by flawless white teeth and just a hint of a dimple. The appreciation for the just a 'little bit' twisted is what I like. Her fearlessness and her adament sense of what is right and wrong is what I think are her best characteristics. Not much gets past her when it comes to identifying the superfluous and superficial both in personality and materialism.
She is a people person and enjoys meeting, and learning about, and appreciating the differences of everyone she encounters. She doesn't judge on occupation, religion, culture, looks, age or education. She looks to see who the individual is on the inside first before condemning or sterotyping; and I think that THAT is what I admire about her the most.
Heidi is a taller than average woman with a build to match her interest in maritial arts and fitness training. She has recently completed four years post secondary education which includes the aquistion of a decent grasp of Spanish , and she continues to thirst for knowledge. She loves reading, biking, going the gym, parties, camping, wearing cool clothes (that fit gorgeously on her 5'10+ frame). Sometimes this blonde haired, blue eyed beauty of Swedish ancestory also needs just sitting and thinking time to examine her life and her future.
My baby is a treasure and I wish her a life of wonderful adventure full of caring and loving friends who will lift her up and appreciate what a jewel she truly is.
If you ever get to meet Heidi or are already her friend..get her to explain the difference between salmonella and syphylis. It's important she gets that straight in her mind.
But being my baby, the youngest of four babies, I think there will always be a place in my heart where she is still the little pink skinned. round headed, fair haired girlie that I brought home . After a 3 week stay in the hospital, awaiting the grand arrival, Heidi was born at 4:30 in the afternoon with almost every nurse on the floor coming to watch. I think they had been taking bets when/if this baby was ever going to be born. Her Dad was there witnessing it all--the only birth he did witness.
Grandma and Grandpa D. happened to walk in just in time to find out that Heidi was coming into the world at that very moment. And, true to form, Grandma and Grandpa D. LEFT the hospital to go shopping. They came back in time to watch me do the first baby wash up. The nurses came and took the baby after a few minutes and told me to get some sleep. There were about 6 other babies born that day in this particular hospital. When I awoke, I heard an infant cry and went to the doorway of my room and called the nurse asking, "Is that my baby crying?"; and yes , indeed, it was my Heidi Ho. They were quite surprized that I knew my baby's cry so soon after having met her.
Heidi Jayne fit right in. She was the apple of her big sister Sarah's eye who referred to her as 'the newborn baby'. There was nothing that Sarah wouldn't have done, given, or sacrificed for the 'new born baby'. She even offered up her treasured stuffed animal bag to me so that I would have something to put the 'new born baby's ' things into. I suspect one could still cause tears of regret to well up in Sarah's eyes if one ever brought up the time she dropped her treasured sister when she went to lift her out of her playpen. Happily no harm was done except some of Sarah's heart was broken .
Heidi has another sister closer in age ,who being 2 1/2 at time of her arrival, simply was not all that impressed with a baby who had no teeth, no hair, and couldn't play or eat. Nope, Rachel was not pleased. Of course, that time soon passed as the two youngest girls became good playmates while the other siblings were off to school.
The big brother of the family , being seven years old, pretty much tolerated another girl baby being brought into the house but was a dutiful brother when it came to running and fetching things for mom while the baby was young. Alexander was a willing and able sleigh and wagon puller for baby, as well as being the 'cat' when playing house.
The first away trip for Heidi would have been staying at the cottage at the tender age of 1 week. July was always cottage month for the family and Heidi and her carriage landed on the beach with mosquito netting and playpen. Her first birthday was at the lake. I think everyone in the family remembers the 'pink' shovel.
Some memorable moments for Heidi as she grew up are: having a chicken bone in her foot, having a nail from a board in her foot , skating at Sheho, falling off her bike and spilling her candies on the gravel road (which Rachel went and picked up for her ), playing in the water trough sans clothing, playing in the sandpile, kittens from the barn, chocolate chips in the play refridgerator, tea parties, playing house in the barn loft, playing with the old Christmas trees in the snow, shows in Yorkton, cake decorating, getting books from the library, getting her passport by herself at 16, composing at the piano, cottage time with Dad, hurting her knee, surprise Santa Gifts at age 17, two trips to build houses in Mexico, scrapbooking, wilderness camping, and working in the school cafeteria.
Heidi has to have the BEST sense of humor and the most beautiful smile set off by flawless white teeth and just a hint of a dimple. The appreciation for the just a 'little bit' twisted is what I like. Her fearlessness and her adament sense of what is right and wrong is what I think are her best characteristics. Not much gets past her when it comes to identifying the superfluous and superficial both in personality and materialism.
She is a people person and enjoys meeting, and learning about, and appreciating the differences of everyone she encounters. She doesn't judge on occupation, religion, culture, looks, age or education. She looks to see who the individual is on the inside first before condemning or sterotyping; and I think that THAT is what I admire about her the most.
Heidi is a taller than average woman with a build to match her interest in maritial arts and fitness training. She has recently completed four years post secondary education which includes the aquistion of a decent grasp of Spanish , and she continues to thirst for knowledge. She loves reading, biking, going the gym, parties, camping, wearing cool clothes (that fit gorgeously on her 5'10+ frame). Sometimes this blonde haired, blue eyed beauty of Swedish ancestory also needs just sitting and thinking time to examine her life and her future.
My baby is a treasure and I wish her a life of wonderful adventure full of caring and loving friends who will lift her up and appreciate what a jewel she truly is.
If you ever get to meet Heidi or are already her friend..get her to explain the difference between salmonella and syphylis. It's important she gets that straight in her mind.