
Monday, June 11, 2012



There have been 4000 hits on my blog.


Kind of interesting.

Makes one wonder how many were actual people who wanted purposely to read what I had written, or were they such random hits as people browsed the Blog Sites.

Makes one wonder how many Posts were read from start to finish, how many people critiqued the grammar, spelling, and content.

It would be nice on this sort of Anniversary Day of 4000+ if people would simple write their first name in the comment section so I could get a 'feel' of who is out in BLOGLAND and who actually reads my blither.

Yep. It would be nice.

My Best Wishes to All of You who have chosen to read what I write and also My Best Wishes to All of You who have accidently come across my blog and will choose never to click on it again. 

Bye for now.

Penny Lou

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