* Note: Content may offend some.
** Note: correction...Content will offend some
*** Note: Correction to the Correction...Content will offend several.
My first memory of cats is one that involves the cats in the barn whose job it was to control the ever present mouse population. The eager presence of these sometimes tame but more often than not semi wild cats was a given whenever it was milking time. The vision of the spray of milk arcing through the air as scampering cats ran towards the white and warm liquid as they tried to get as much into their mouths as possible, along with the consequent purr that accompanied the licking and grooming , brings back those memories of simpler times where man and animals lived in the state of mutual benefit and understanding.
Having said that I would now like to draw attention to the fact that not all cat/human interactions have been positive. Indeed, sometimes the feline -- homo sapien social intercourse is often down right dangerous and deadly, with the emphasis on deadly primarily applying to the feline species.
One example of this unfortunate state of being can be illustrated through what has sadly become one of my most troubling lingering memories of what was to be our family's joyous traditional Christmas Eve journey to my grandparent's farm home . As it was a cold winter night, my dad went out to the garage to start the car so it would be warm for his excited young family. The garage where the car was parked was about 300 feet from the house. All the doors and windows were of course closed due to the cold weather. Suddenly there was the most high pitched unforgettably haunting screech that lasted for less than 10 seconds coming from the direction of the garage Fearing that something horrible had happened to my father, we rushed to the door and called out in concern. Dad came to the garage door looking pal and shaken. A cat had apparently crawled up under the hood of the car to nestle in beside the warm radiator and probably had fallen to sleep. Sadly and memorably it was still there when Dad turned the ignition and the fan on the now broken radiator had started to turn.
Another example of how quick and tenuous is that of the life of felines when they coexist with people, however brief, has recently been shared with me and I shall now share this tale of catastrophe with you.
A couple were driving along on a rural road one afternoon. The gravelled road was lined with taller grasses. As the road was well graded the vehicle was traveling at a steady speed when suddenly a cat darted out from the long grass and the inevitable sickening 'thud' was heard and inevitably felt as the car tires traveled over delicate bones and flesh. Miraculously a cat was seen in the rear view mirror slinking slowly into the ditch.
The brake pedal was slammed and the vehicle came to a sudden halt. Driver and passenger looked at each other in horror at what had just transpired.
Being the humane people that they were, they decided to get out of the car and go back and search for the victim, as they feared that no animal could survive such an encounter. The thought that they had been the cause of any animal lying suffering and alone weighed heavily on their minds. After a short search of the area they found what they had feared--a lone cat lying flat on the ground obviously in pain as it hissed and clawed the air . The driver of the car ran back to the vehicle and quickly brought out a shovel from the trunk, prepared to do what 'had to be done'. He proceeded to hit the cat on the head in order to shorten the poor animal's pain and suffering This was not an easy task as it took several hits before the cat's crazed and anguished cries were finally mercifully silenced.
The two people returned to their vehicle and continued on their journey trying to shake the gory scene from their mind's eye while at the same time assuring each other that they had indeed done the right thing.
Upon reaching their destination and while getting out of the car the passenger heard something strange coming from the underside of the vehicle.
After leaning down and peering under, the pale faced passenger called out to the driver: " Hey...there is a bloodied cat caught up around the frame."
Lesson of the Day: Sometimes you are the Cat, and sometimes you are the Pie, and sometimes you are the Cat in the Pie.
** Note: correction...Content will offend some
*** Note: Correction to the Correction...Content will offend several.
My first memory of cats is one that involves the cats in the barn whose job it was to control the ever present mouse population. The eager presence of these sometimes tame but more often than not semi wild cats was a given whenever it was milking time. The vision of the spray of milk arcing through the air as scampering cats ran towards the white and warm liquid as they tried to get as much into their mouths as possible, along with the consequent purr that accompanied the licking and grooming , brings back those memories of simpler times where man and animals lived in the state of mutual benefit and understanding.
Having said that I would now like to draw attention to the fact that not all cat/human interactions have been positive. Indeed, sometimes the feline -- homo sapien social intercourse is often down right dangerous and deadly, with the emphasis on deadly primarily applying to the feline species.
One example of this unfortunate state of being can be illustrated through what has sadly become one of my most troubling lingering memories of what was to be our family's joyous traditional Christmas Eve journey to my grandparent's farm home . As it was a cold winter night, my dad went out to the garage to start the car so it would be warm for his excited young family. The garage where the car was parked was about 300 feet from the house. All the doors and windows were of course closed due to the cold weather. Suddenly there was the most high pitched unforgettably haunting screech that lasted for less than 10 seconds coming from the direction of the garage Fearing that something horrible had happened to my father, we rushed to the door and called out in concern. Dad came to the garage door looking pal and shaken. A cat had apparently crawled up under the hood of the car to nestle in beside the warm radiator and probably had fallen to sleep. Sadly and memorably it was still there when Dad turned the ignition and the fan on the now broken radiator had started to turn.
Another example of how quick and tenuous is that of the life of felines when they coexist with people, however brief, has recently been shared with me and I shall now share this tale of catastrophe with you.
A couple were driving along on a rural road one afternoon. The gravelled road was lined with taller grasses. As the road was well graded the vehicle was traveling at a steady speed when suddenly a cat darted out from the long grass and the inevitable sickening 'thud' was heard and inevitably felt as the car tires traveled over delicate bones and flesh. Miraculously a cat was seen in the rear view mirror slinking slowly into the ditch.
The brake pedal was slammed and the vehicle came to a sudden halt. Driver and passenger looked at each other in horror at what had just transpired.
Being the humane people that they were, they decided to get out of the car and go back and search for the victim, as they feared that no animal could survive such an encounter. The thought that they had been the cause of any animal lying suffering and alone weighed heavily on their minds. After a short search of the area they found what they had feared--a lone cat lying flat on the ground obviously in pain as it hissed and clawed the air . The driver of the car ran back to the vehicle and quickly brought out a shovel from the trunk, prepared to do what 'had to be done'. He proceeded to hit the cat on the head in order to shorten the poor animal's pain and suffering This was not an easy task as it took several hits before the cat's crazed and anguished cries were finally mercifully silenced.
The two people returned to their vehicle and continued on their journey trying to shake the gory scene from their mind's eye while at the same time assuring each other that they had indeed done the right thing.
Upon reaching their destination and while getting out of the car the passenger heard something strange coming from the underside of the vehicle.
After leaning down and peering under, the pale faced passenger called out to the driver: " Hey...there is a bloodied cat caught up around the frame."
Lesson of the Day: Sometimes you are the Cat, and sometimes you are the Pie, and sometimes you are the Cat in the Pie.
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