
Sunday, May 6, 2012

God Bless Us.. and that means ....Everyone.

Dangerous Christianity *

I only buy about 10% of what this guy is saying.

This is  a prime example of a little bit of truth sprinkled in with ignorance, broad generalizations, and avoidance/deflection when asked direct questions on issues.

 It is THIS type of thinking that entices people to mock Christianity.  This thinking is like a red flag, a marked target,  the trigger incident, that allows people, indeed inflames people from other cultures, religions, and even different Christian backgrounds to rise up and totally dismiss anything and all this type of Christian proclaims.

I find that so many Christians who are out to point the finger at any other religion with vigour, contempt, and suspicion are often those same Christians who have neither bothered or desired to learn the true background, history, or philosophy of their own religion.

It's the rampant judgements passed and simple 'not knowing' and 'not wanting to know' that drives me crazy.  The feeling of being entitled to judge, mock, and criticize other's belief systems to me is the absolute antithesis of what Christianity is supposed to be.

How on Earth or in Heaven is anyone supposed to be able to persuade others to believe in Christianity when the Christians themselves lack trust and compassion for even those who claim to have the same belief system let alone someone from another religion entirely?  I have witnessed more blatant judgment, character assassination, and hypocrisy in  Christian churches than I have in any of the social organizations I have been involved with, which are often comprised of a broad cross section of cultures, religions, and education.

 Many Christians claim to embrace forgiveness and understanding, but what I have often witnessed is  ignorance, and self-righteousness all often based on fear.  To me the Christians whose faith is fear based  often live in the closed hot house of ideological superiority nurtured by  half truths and misunderstandings.

 No wonder Christianity is mocked.  Its almost like the person who says they are on a diet, wanting to lose weight, and  then they eat a chocolate bar while washing it down with a diet soda.  What they claim they want and what they actually do are not really connected. 

Instead of trying to persuade others by pointing out the faults of their religions or lifestyles,  Christians who are serious about really bringing the world to a better understanding should  start to  actually live the lessons taught in the Bible instead of trying to teach  or ' screech'  the lessons.   They could start this process by reading,  praying, forgiving, loving, and by learning about ALL their fellowman..not just the ones that agree, or seem to agree, with them.

* on the link to see the article.

1 comment:

  1. I read it through - all a waste of time talking about religion. Faith is a
    > personal thing from the heart and need not come up in most conversation---a friend of mine commented on the article after I emailed her.
