
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Penny's Debauchery

I have been watching one of those COP shows on our limited television satellite reception.  The program basically is a constant repeat of police officers confronting ,  arresting, and counselling people who are out of control.  Most of the people are out of control mentally and physically due to the   consumption of  too much alcohol and drugs.

Combine  all that with the pretty much 'everything goes' attitude and one does have a recipe for what I deem to be debauchery.

Debauchery...such an interesting word.  I looked it up.  It means extreme indulgence in sensuality with reference to orgies; orgies  which I assume   are  sexual in nature.

The debauchery that I see on the streets of Las Vegas on that television program seems foolish, foreign, and almost surreal. 

I am going to suggest a further meaning to this unique word.

 I suggest that it can be applied  anytime when one's actions, words, and desires become focused on purely one's own wants and preceived needs no matter what the cost to another's rights,  particularly the rights of the innocents in this world.   Kony, a child kidnapper, abuser, and murderer, would then fall under the category  of someone who engages in debauchery..creating untold pain, misery and irrevocable harm as a result of his crazed self indulgence and seemingly disregard for  human rights.  

I am also going to suggest that my new definition of debauchery applies to the actions of  anyone, anywhere  who wield their control either through finances, emotional blackmail involving self righteous unforgiveness, or just plain screaming unleashed bitter wrath, in order to control others, ultimately harming and fracturing relationships.  

 The pain, waste, and destruction in the  self indulgent use of power, mixed with fear, immaturity and ignorance  inherent in this type of debauchery is every bit as destructive to society as it  is to the individual who  exercises it;  not unlike  drug or alcohol misuse or wanton sexual activity.
These activities that qualify for the label of Penny's Debauchery is present in not only the warring factions  throughout the world , but also is  the cause of social injustices, loss of peace, and  broken families, which can be traced  right down as much as to  my own actions as I suspect many  of the  readers' and beyond.

"How utterly futile debauchery seems once it has been accomplished, and what ashes of disgust it leaves in the soul. --Albert Camus

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