
Monday, April 21, 2014

Black and Red Rubbers

The rubber boots are being brought back into the house after a long winter's absence.

The mud  

may   now
 S     P     L     A    T    T    E   R       

and the waters dare  


I will  now step without care,  
while my feet  remain dry.

Floods hold no fear
As ice flows draw near
As the ducks and the geese
With their webbed toes delight
No more than mere man
Clad in Rubbers  shod tight.

One needs the black and the red
The sure sign of brand chic,
The heels give good grip.
The best are NO LEAK.

High waters may serge bringing  muck on the lane
But black with red Rubbers are what's needed in rain
So bring on the weather, the hail, and the sleet
I will be wearing my rubbers and warming my feet.

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