
Sunday, February 12, 2012

1 1/4 Things Per Year.

I just listened to (most of)  an interview with Sarah Palin. She didn't sound nearly as asinine as she did the last time I heard her speak.  Perhaps it is because she is no longer a threat to becoming the leader of the already IQ compromised  Not So Sleeping Giant to the south. I can therefore listen without my heart beating in fear and trepidation thinking that someone who  votes might be swayed by the antiquated, backward, black and white muddled thinking  that she espoused  during the last presidential campaign.

I did like her comments this time  regarding her Downs Syndrome grandson being a gift to her family.  She spoke with sincerity and  wisdom of how he teaches her family lessons on being grounded and helps them  recognize what is important ....more than they can or ever will teach him.

It seems that she has learned a few things about life that she didn't know four years ago.

Maybe I, too, have learned a few lessons in those past four years, such as:

1. Just because I think I have a good idea, it may not be.
2. Just because what I think is funny, it may not be.
3. Just because I don't mean to hurt  other people, it doesn't mean I don't.
4. Just because I want something,  it doesn't mean I can have it.
5. Just because I can't have something, it doesn't mean it is wrong to  want  it.

  Yes, I  have learned some of these lessons in the past four years. Unfortunately for some, I only learned a couple  of them closer to the end rather than at the beginning  of the time line .

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