
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda.

One doesn't get to the age I am without having some regrets in life. 

Some of these regrets are from bad choices due to bad logic, bad influences, or bad attempts to repair other bad choices  which were, ironically,   often the result of the  same causative factors previously mentioned. 

For instance, I probably would choose NOT to ride my horse bareback "hell bent for leather" as they say, over  a soft cultivated field  and onto a hardened road, as I realise now the importance of not falling face first on  fresh gravel.

Another thing I wouldn't do again is to write my Grade Two spelling words ON MY DESK thinking that the teacher would not notice me placing my face flat against the wooden arm as I attempted to make out the words .

For sure I would avoid chewing the gum that I stole from  our hired man's room in front of my mother.

If I had it to do over again I would never think that smoking pencil shavings would be in ANY way the same as smoking tobacco.

I  know I will never ever ever  again lick the end of the already plugged in  telephone adapter  due to the sting of regret  that I experienced. 

I do regret believing my sister, who is 6 years older than I, when she said that Mom wouldn't mind if I wet my pants instead of going inside to use the toilet.

It is regrettable that I  thought  drinking vodka and eating orange ice cream at the same time  would have the same effect as having a vodka and orange.

Leaving the mosquito repellent behind in the car while embarking on a three mile hike into the mosquito and horsefly laden woods was a regrettable mistake.

Kissing the press board walls in my bedroom while fantasying about some movie star while wearing Vaseline on my  chapped lips is another mistake fraught with regret and embarrassment. ( I was only ten).

I do regret thinking that I could really do a believable and uniquely clever impression of a screeching monkey while sitting at the university bar that 'time'.

My Dad sort of really  made me regret throwing  two pieces of toast on the floor in a random fit of temper tantrum.

Hitchhiking to Calgary with a member of the Grim Reaper Motorcycle Gang could have resulted in lots of regrets.

  I do not regret the following: reading my sister's diary, climbing out my bedroom window, dancing even after the music had stopped, staying up all night watching a campfire, reading under the covers, taking any class,  or ever peeking at my Christmas presents (because I never did), or giving my babies 1000's of kisses.

Sydney J. Harris: “Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”

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