Well, today I would like to share an experience that would do most people good NOT to have, and that is a trip to the local Emergency Room.
Being a bit of a whiner, I would like to complain that I had to wait hours in a queue to even get a number that would allow me to talk to the receptionist. But I can't because when I entered the ER there were no line ups. I was wheeled straight onto the unit and the attending nurse was actually the one waiting while the receptionist took down my information.
I could complain that I languished forgotten in a small cubicle over noon hour while waiting for the X Ray Department to return from having their lunch . But I can't because someone came along and brought me a tray of food. It was 12:55 pm when I was wheeled into the X Ray room just the moment that the techinician was back from lunch.
I could complain that I was waiting hours for a doctor to see me, but I can't, as the physician came and talked to me both before and after my going into X ray. In fact, he was looking at the X ray almost before I was settled back into the examination room.
I wish I could say , however, that the area where the receptionist was sitting was wheel chair accessible, but it was not.
I wish I could say that the receptionist's computer was up and running efficiently and that she/we didn't have to move to another cubicle to find a printer that was compatible with the computer, but it was not.
It would be nice to say that the pain killer that they gave me at 11:40 am had been at its peak effectiveness by the time I actually did get to Xray, but it was not.
I wish very much that the topic of this whole blog was just a figment of my imagination; that I wasn't really pumped up with pain killers lying here on my kitchen couch with a tensor bandage and an ice pack . That would have to mean that this whole day would have been just a nightmare and all ofthe above just concocted blither.
But, alas, very alas...it is not.
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