
Friday, August 31, 2018

Easy to Do

 If It Were Only As Easy To Do As To Say

If it were as easy to do as to say
I  would do it today
And not let a moment of pain get in my way.

I would jump from the couch without a groan or a grunt.
I would even jump high and savour the stunt.

I would read War and Peace in almost one sitting.
I would even sit down and do some more knitting.

If it is  as easy to do what I say that I'd like.
I'd even be able to ride up hill on my bike.

Easy to say but not easy to do
I'd sooner do easy to do than easy to say
😊My knees and my back will thank me someday. 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

A Good Run

Well it was a good run I figure.

Ten years and a bit sailed by faster than the Enterprise at Warp Speed...zoom zoom. 

So many good times.
So much laughter. 
So much discussion.
So much thought and care by everyone to get stuff right. 
So much paper work.  
So many personalities on both sides of the desk. 
So many ways to spell councilor?--counselor?

Never a dull moment--not even at 2:30 am.  

It will seem strange to not have the words such as ETAP, TA, Case Plan, Progress Report, Formal Count, Radio Check, Timecard,  and, I almost forgot, C2C  as part of my routine conversation. 
I  will get strange looks from the SaskPower meter readers and  door to door salesmen  as I greet them with gloves on ready for a pat down. 

I always marveled that I was allowed to even be part of such an organization with so many good people.   

Yes, I figure it was a good run even if I can't run.

Take care people.  Have a good shift.  Drive safe.  

PLH  aka  "The Pensta". 

Slurps and Slops will be served on New's Day if anyone wants something to do.  I will be in touch.