
Sunday, September 16, 2018

Whattssat Uncle Bob?

Telling a city kid about farm machinery...
--That is a can tell it is a combine and not a swather because it has an auger...that big sticking out part on the side...which is sometimes not actually sticking out but is sticking towards the back of the machine. ....unless of course it is actually just an auger..which might be stuck in a bin, a hopper , or just dragged behind a tractor , truck, or even car. No--not a grasshopper which might be called a hopper but rather something that holds grain..btw a combine also has a hopper and a swather does not. Now a swather just cuts the grain-with a reel and a cutter and yes a combine can have a reel and a cutter as well but sometimes it has a pick up.
No not the kind of a pick up that cousin Jeb has on Saturday (how do you know about that?) I mean something with teeth that picks up the grain that was cut by the swather. The teeth are metal and no you do not floss them
That over there with a cab is a tractor. It is used to pull combines and swathers --although not all combines need to be pulled nor do some swathers because some swathers and combines are self propelled unless of course they have broken down and in that case they probably are Massey's..(Don't ask).
Before you even think of starting up a combine or swather the first thing you gotta do is grease some nipples and tighten some listening to me boy? (Get that silly looking grin off yer face).
No-- not all tractors have cabs but if they do most have air conditioning and even a radio. If they do not have a cab they might have an umbrella.
A quonset is that steel building in the yard. No it is not a place to celebrate is a place where a farmer might store his combined grain after he has filled all his bins. When the grain is sold the farmer will then store his combine in the quonset and celebrate like it IS Kwanza with all the money he has made. The money MIGHT last a week like Kwanzaa and it might not..
Next week I will tell you how to differentiate between fertilizer and a politician's promises.. which to place in the ground and which to let go in one ear and out the other. As my grandpa would say ," Keep your eyes open and your ears clean if you don't want a crop of potatoes growing in them".

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