
Saturday, July 13, 2013

10 Things I Didn't Know Last Week--*But I Do Now*

1. The phrase "Fish don't wear bells" --from the book Shipping News--by Annie Proulx.

2. That there is ALWAYS matter what the cost...there will always be a way in which you will have to Pay Back the Favour.

3. There ARE houses messier, dirtier, and more dangerously unhealthier than mine.

4. It takes more than just self-identifying yourself as a Witch to make you one.

5. When you look sick, feel sick,  and other people say you are shouldn't go to work.

6. The phrase " A voice like a wasp in a jar" --from the Shipping News encore une fois. (This along with " "the wind was like the breath of a stepmother").

7. I can and will get annoyed when a huge over sized piece of  machinery takes up ALL the space on a PUBLIC roadway.  A piece of machinery that is not necessarily farmer owned, and therefore, is actually part  of someones private enterprise, who has not paid licensing fees for said piece of machinery, nor the massive taxes that a regular farmer must do;  BUT still travels willy nilly on country roads taking up all the room and interfering with the general coming and goings by bona fide licenced vehicles whose fees go towards the maintaining of said roads and, thus,  help pay the insurance to cover accidents that may occur in collisions with slower moving larger unlicensed mobile devices. ( Truly did not know that this would ever happen--this  feeling of annoyance I mean).

8. Someone thinks of me as their TRUE friend after 50 years...which I guess I am.

9. I can pick out Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia from a picture without ever really being there.

10.  'Growing Up' has nothing to do with Age, Intelligence, Education,  Religion, Monetary Worth, Health, or Technological Savvy; but has more to do with Common Sense.

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