
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Canadian Penny

A--Admittedly an  aged adult although arduously active and animated.

B--Basically a busy Bread and Bun Baking Broad

C. Cautiously canoes creating catastrophic conditions causing cantankerous co-canoers  considerable consternation.

D. Daringly dances despite desperate drummer demands to desist.

E.  Enjoys eating eagerly every edible entree entirely.

F. Fiddles fiercely and ferociously fearing few flats and fugues.

G.  Giggles gregariously gabbing and gossiping while  gamely guzzling gallons.

H. Habitually and historically has herself hugely heaping helpings of Holubchi

I. Is insistent that insanity isn't  instant in her id in this instance.

J.  Jail time generated by juxtapositoning jesting and gestures resulting in judiciary judgement.

K.  Kindly kisses kittens, kindergartners, and kinsmen.

L. Lately, lameness and limping led to lazy living laying low.

M. Moments of memorable motherhood makes many mothering memories marvelous.

N. Not noted for neatness nor nails nor newsworthy tales.

O. Often  oppressively opinionated not often opting for  other's options.

P. Pretty pragmatically programmed.

Q. Questions  quiet quirkiness quite quickly  quelling  and quieting quirky quacks.

R. Rarely remembers rancour but rather recants raving remembrances righteously with rigor.

S. Seeks safety in sincerity subtly secreted in signs of simple sensuous signals.

T. Tends to   trust tenuously and tentatively til Time's tests are taken.

U. Uncommonly un-understanding of , and unhappy with,  unctuous underlings working ultimately under par..

W.  Once waged into  wanton wrestling  rounds with one weirder and weaker.

X.  Exacting exhibitionist exhausting and exasperating.

Z. Zealous in zapping and zipping.

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