Just read this on line on CBC network.
These are my thoughts.
This is just so typical. People will protest the saying of GRACE at a graduation exercise...but at the same time will not protest the buying/selling and dispensing of liquor to high school students at the bush party following graduation. Parents willingly 'supervise' other other peoples' drunken children at these functions whose stupidity is only surpassed by the parents who allow strangers to 'supervise' their own drunken children.
People have to get some common sense and quit bowing to peer (beer) pressure and start bringing some dignity back to the transformation from childhood to adulthood. Prayer or no prayer..people have their own personal choice ..but the children who do not want to attend the after bush party are bullied by the communities who embrace these activities with every bit of lack of empathy and boorish selfishness as any group of grade nine girls can be to the deemed 'outcast' of the group.

These are my thoughts.
This is just so typical. People will protest the saying of GRACE at a graduation exercise...but at the same time will not protest the buying/selling and dispensing of liquor to high school students at the bush party following graduation. Parents willingly 'supervise' other other peoples' drunken children at these functions whose stupidity is only surpassed by the parents who allow strangers to 'supervise' their own drunken children.
People have to get some common sense and quit bowing to peer (beer) pressure and start bringing some dignity back to the transformation from childhood to adulthood. Prayer or no prayer..people have their own personal choice ..but the children who do not want to attend the after bush party are bullied by the communities who embrace these activities with every bit of lack of empathy and boorish selfishness as any group of grade nine girls can be to the deemed 'outcast' of the group.
I think it is a total COP OUT on the part of the authorities, school boards, parents, government legislatures, and all those who will be 'upset' because Grace isn't part of the Graduation Banquet not to stand up and stop 'Safe Grads'. I refer to those graduation functions that involve the 'hidden' location where students and guests from whatever unchecked backgrounds are allowed to consume alcohol.
This type of activity should be a concern to each and every responsible adult in the community..not just those whose children are graduating that year.
Standing Up against Something means standing up for it until that something is STOPPED...its not saying once..in a safe environment..in a soft voice...that you don't agree with something. Standing Up means putting yourself out there and speaking until everyone who needs to hear you has heard you.
Grace may not be said at some graduations this year...but you can bet there should be some prayers sent up to protect any young person who comes from a community that allows Bush Grads to exist; whether they are in attendance or not. When one thinks about it, both groups of young people are being bullied.. those that attend (parents included ) and those who do not attend..(parents included).
My point about the CBC article is not a Christian point necessarily. No one is saying in the article that people can't say grace at their own tables ... and LIKELY there are some who would anyway because the chosen Grace Saying clergy of the night wouldn't be the acceptable clergy for some other congregation. Putting the beer party issue aside (for a mere second)...it would be interesting to know exactly and truthfully how many people who identify themselves as Christian actually say grace at every meal.I wonder how many of these Christians will still not stand up against the beer drinking party issue, but will instead point a self righteous finger at the person in the CBC article. I think God--any one's God.. is just as equally concerned about the health and well being of our young people as He is about whether we are giving thanks for our abundant food supply.
These bush parties are illegal..and they are illegal for several reasons. Alcohol and teenage brains do not mix the same as a fully developed adult brains and alcohol does for one.
Several people do get home safe that graduation night, but what about the message it sends to the teen and up coming teens? ALCOHOL and TEENS are not a natural function..it is a socially learned function...(don't get this mixed up with the line "learn to drink" as no one learns anything when drinking. )
People mention the ONE night that grads are safe. I think we should set our standards higher and aim to have 52 weekends/ 365 days a year when our teenagers / grads are safe. What is so great about being killed on the highway by a drunken driver on a non graduation weekend? Yes, a lot of teens will make their grads a big drunk in any event, but a lot of teens and parents would not be pressured or bullied into attending if the communities et al wouldn't put their stamp of approval on it.
Lots of teenagers have sex on graduation too...should we put out a mattress and play soft music while handing out condoms and pills just so there aren't babies for the New Year?
Stupid is stupid at any level. Graduation Bush Parties are especially so because there seems no end as to how society can mess up the people we claim we want to educate and nurture.

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