
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Unicorn Talk

While listening to Tapestry from CBC Radio last night, I heard the phrase "terminological incongruity"...which describes something that only exists in conversation and whenever you try to execute the idea it ceases to exist.  The speaker was referring to AA not being able to exist without the recognition of a Higher Power Greater Than Ourselves.

As I mulled over this idea it occurred to me that this  phrase describes some concepts in life that have been difficult (for me) to adequately express....sort of like explaining what a unicorn is to a child...'Yes it looks and sounds like a horse..and yes there really isn't an obvious reason they don't really exist...except they don't and that's all there is  to it.'

Therefore, I believe that the following are examples of terminological incongruity--

--Bad Chocolate

--Self-Serve Service Centres

--Rich Farmers

-- Safe Graduation Parties .

-- Gay Marriages

--Muslim/Black/Mexican jokes.

--Holiday Trees

If you have more please place them in the comment section .

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