I know fog causes lots of chaos with traffic.. although one rarely hears of roads becoming slippery due to fog as is with snow, ice, and sleet.
For me, if a person has to go without sunlight, I think I would rather have fog instead of cloud and rain.
Fog seems soft and silky to me--like a pair of fresh delicate nylons as they slide over one's legs covering skin unused to such gentleness.
Rain is often stinging little bits of hard wetness slamming pieces of water upon the earth in loud anger or visible resentment with sharpness and grumbling.
Fog is like a cushioned quilt of spun sugar which wraps around and actually touches each part of the world completely--each crevasse, physical bend, and hidden depth.
Rain falls. Fog rises.
Rain taps intrusively a thousand times over, while the fog is silent--simply existing, still and soft as a sleeping kitten nestled against its mother and siblings.
The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.
Carl Sandburg
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