WHAT is with THAT?
Two years ago while visiting my dentist for a cleaning and check up, I was almost tearfully referred to a Periodontic office by the young Dental Hygienist after being warned of the possibility of losing my whole set of bottom teeth due to gum disease and disrepair.
Predictably, I immediately made an appointment with
the recommended professional at their earliest convenience. After a long trip into the city, searching Google maps, and scoping out the office where I was to attend the day before so I wouldn't be late, I entered the lush, finely and tastefully décorred office.
As I sat waiting for my turn to be called into the inner sanctum of dental mystery, I started to idly calculate the price of the trip to get me to just the waiting room of this elite professional medical office.
As my musings went from one mounting dollar to another, I realized that this visit probably wouldn't be the only and last trip to this office at least for many weeks if not months. Further to this total, I started to calculate the probability of the amount of money that would be ultimately traded forward for whatever procedure(s) would be deemed necessary to save my dental future and ultimate diet choices. True, there no doubt would be some input from public and private insurance coverage, but as one not to read the fine print of such policies, I suspected that there would be a certain amount of monetary loss from my own back pocket already under great pressure due to the lack of large pockets on any pieces of my non stylish wardrobe.
With these thoughts in mind and a twenty minute wait, I finally was ushered into the 'chair of divine dentistry'. Before the bib and goggles were even put in place and the chair tipped, I announced to both assistant and the Doctor of Dentistry that if whatever was found in my mouth that needed to be corrected and the cost wasn't covered by my private insurance then they shouldn't consider doing it.
The shocked reply from a dark voice above and behind me indicated that if that was the case I shouldn't be in the office (meaning the chair) at all.
Thus ended my short and not so sweet visit to the world of Periodontics.
As the time for another dental check up with the original dentist and hygienist approached, I emotionally gritted my teeth as I was loathe to actually face the 'MUSAC' as I sat in the hygienist's chair expecting to be subjected to a certain amount of not so veiled professional chagrin and chastisement.
X rays were taken, scrapings and swishings were done, as well as suction and biting completed.
No comments were uttered other than the obligatory "Open, Bite, Close, Hold, Turn, Sorry."
I waited quietly as X rays and dental file were taken to the Dentist for perusal. I sighed in dread guessing how these two Dental Deities would convey that I had been a bad girl and a negligent patient that obviously cared little about her own dental health; considered as someone who would ultimately be soon only consuming pureed pea soup and mashed potatoes for sustenance in her future of dentally deprived existence of sunken cheeks, flapping lips, and gum sucking.
I waited quietly listening to hygienist and dentist murmuring in the next cubicle discussing my 'case'.
They returned together in tandem and in strategic strength from behind my chair.
"Hmmm. How are you doing today, Penny?" came the formative voice that I immediately recognized as the same that recommended procedures such as fillings, braces, cleanings, and extractions for myself and family for over 15 years.
"Not too bad," I replied timidly, head down, eyes averted bracing for the 'verdict'.
He sat down on one of those twirling little piano type stools beside my own tipped chair and leaned over and said, " You have very healthy gums and teeth. No extra work to be done. See you again in a few months."
Can someone tell me just what is with THAT?
...a Mandible Miracle?
...a mistaken case of Gravity of Cavity?
...a example of a Gumfounded catastrophe?
...a non case of Oral Disorder?
...a Brush a Day keeps the Peridontist at Bay?
...an example of Insurance Assurance gone astray?