
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Gift from the Past

I received a strange sort of gift this Christmas Season.

Totally unexpected and out of the blue type of thing.

There came in the mail on Christmas Eve a brown papered wrapped shoe box with my name and address in handwriting that I immediately recognized without even having to look at the return address.

It was a parcel from a someone from my childhood past whom I had not heard from for at least 10 years or so.

Exciting! Surprised! and indeed even some Wonderment as thoughts of "What on Earth? " and "This is Really Something" to think that this person had actually sent a parcel along to me at Christmas.

I quickly tore open the brown paper, noticed my name written on the outside of the shoebox (yes it was meant for me) and lifted the lid to see layers of newspaper.  Placing my hand in amongst the crumpled pages I found several  fragile items wrapped within.  

As I excitedly extracted each from its blanket of pulp and ink I realized that there was a theme to the contents. The  several miniature tea cups and saucers, figurines, and sea shells, all of which had been resting safe and sound high up upon the kitchen shelf out of harm's way in my parent's farm house for all of my childhood, had not been seen by myself for over 20 years.

 I commented to my family that I found that the wrapping was a bit haphazard as some articles were paired oddly with the others.  I remarked, " This almost looks as if my long lost friend has taken lessons from Mom in the art of packing."

It was only after I carefully washed the dust off of each treasure and placed it carefully on a shelf, high up and out of harm's way, safe and sound  in the kitchen,  had I a chance to look again at the parcel and the newspaper that kept those  irreplaceable bits of glass and sea shells safe through the Christmas mail.

It was then that I realized that the date on the newspaper was not 2013..but rather 1994.  It occurred to me then  that those little gifts were not from my long lost friend so much as they were truly from my Mom , and the wrapping methodology was really hers and not randomly mimicked by the one who mailed them.

Sort of neat to think about.  Mom's hands were the last to touch those frail and fragile bits, and the last to wrap them so they would stay safe. Her thoughts were of me some 20 years ago as she wrote my name on the shoebox and sealed it tight.

The figurines were  made in Occupied Japan which, along with the tea cups and saucers, were gifts from a childless aunt. The Sea shells are from a pen pal I had from Sointula , British Columbia when I was five years old.  I would dictate the letter to Mom, she would print it, I would  then  retrace the letters onto another piece of paper. I think his Mom did the same for him.  Our correspondence continued until we were about 10 or 11.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

O Christmas Tree

A few days ago , an evergreen tree was chopped down from the grounds of a local church.  The trees in the church yard had been planted nearly 30 years ago and tended faithfully by one of the members of the congregation. It was quite an upsetting time for the church as a whole to grasp the fact that such a deed had been committed by someone in the community.

Many people initially exhibited anger, dismay, and disgust at the total seemingly lack of respect shown to the church and its members. " How could someone do such a thing? "  "Thievery" "Report them to the police".   

Others responded on a different note, "We must forgive." "Find out who they are and tell them we forgive them."  "It is only a tree--forget about it."

The controversy went back and forth with thoughts of WW JD? along with suggestions of letters of forgiveness being sent to the Editor of the local newspaper.  Such ideas were challenged by thoughts of building a fence perhaps around the church yard to keep people out or perhaps installing a video camera for security.  

It is not certain what the good members of this Christian church will choose to do in response to this seemingly travesty  of fairness in this Season of  Goodness and Light.

Now I am not well schooled in theology or bible studies, nor do I attend any one denomination of 
any Christian church on a regular basis, however,
I will venture forth in describing my opinion on what an appropriate response that this church might take.

1.  It is JUST a tree.
2.  There must have been some reason why the culprit decided that THAT tree was the one to take. Perhaps it was shaped and full. Perhaps the church grounds were the only place where they thought they could take a tree without getting caught.
3. No, it doesn't seem fair that someone who has worked over thirty years have something like that stolen from them in a wink of an eye. Gone forever.

4. I think we should ask why would anyone think it would be so necessary to have a tree that they would go out and STEAL one..even one from the church.

5.  I think that perhaps the problem lies not in the fact that a tree left unguarded has been taken, but 
somehow the true message of Christmas has not only been lost on the person(s) who have done the stealing, but more importantly and even more tragically the people who purport to know what Christmas is all about have seemingly lost track (at least for the moment) of the Message that Christmas should convey.

A  beloved tree has been stolen
From the church grounds.
Taken  home to celebrate 
The birth of a Savior.
To  decorate and place gifts underneath,
To show  love to one another.

Have we forgotten how
He showed us His Love 
By placing His  Gift to us
On a tree  so that
We  could also be forgiven,
and brought Home? 

A Christmas Letter from an Eight Year Old Penny.

Dear Doreen,

How are you? I am fine.

The Christmas Concert has been performed.  I guess we did okay after all those weeks of practicing, practicing, practicing--not only lines for recitations and song singing  but also LINING UP. 
I really can't see the purpose  or value in having to line up 25 Grade 3ers according to height --much less  having to practice to do that over and over again,  when in fact from the time we first started to practice until the actual performance night, some of us had grown and the whole order had to be changed at least 3 times before the final night anyways.  

Another thing I learned about Christmas Concert practice is that you find out that that sweet and most beautiful soft spoken teacher you have all during the rest of the year can actually use a voice that sounds a lot like MOM when she finds that you have bitten your sister, locked the cat into the back of the kitchen cupboard for 12 hours, or  used her scissors to create an alternate  hair fashion  for your little brother.

I think one of the strangest things that happened lately is that Mom came home from shopping and instead of unloading groceries  or cleaning products on the kitchen cupboard, she ran straight into her bedroom and rattled stuff around  and then came out with empty bags in hand with a stern and meaningful look on her face warning us not to go into her clothes closet for ANY reason whatsoever..even if there is a fire.   That just seems weird to me --as if we kids ever make it a habit of hanging around in her bedroom closet  just  for Fun and Games (except  for that time when cousin James came to babysit us and he put on that fashion show  with Mom's clothes and makeup on..but I don't think she even knows about THAT) .

 It's not as if there were any video games in there or toys to play with or candies to munch on--well not as least as far as I know anyways.

Christmas is just a little weird though isn't it?  Everyone gets so excited about cooking, baking fancy cookies (just what is with that black stuff that looks just LIKE chocolate syrup but isn't-- that they use to make cookies that look LIKE little chocolate men but aren't?).  

 I had to take some fresh baked buns to the 90 year old bachelor down our street the other day because it was Christmas!  What is it about Christmas that demands that stuff be done like that?  Kindness is what Mom calls it..but as those Buns of Kindness  probably only last I bet only about 2 hours ,  it makes me wonder what happens to that guy from now until next Christmas?

I think I have to go now.  Mom went out shopping again and I see she left her clothes closet door wide open this time ---

Merry Christmas! Happy 1961!

Your friend,


Monday, December 16, 2013

Thirty two..and I ain't talking teeth...

December 18, 1981  --  December 18, 2013

32 Years

"No day that is gone was shadowless
No night was without its star.
But mingled bitter and sweet has been
the portion of our cup.
The Hand that in love has smitten
In love has bound us up."
--author unknown.

We've cried each other's tears and  braved the world as one.
Time has passed as swift as a Christmas morning and has been  as treasured as the most precious gift ever received.

They say that the present for a 32nd Anniversary is a form of transportation which might include but is not limited to, a car, bicycle, train ticket, cruise, flight, and  perhaps even hitchhiking.

Merry Christmas

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sneaky Season

'Tis the Season of merry making, baking, and thoughts of gift getting and buying.

'Tis also the Season of Sneakiness.

Yes, sneakiness is an inherent part of this celebration demanding every bit as much skill and agility as special  CSIS or CIA agents.  What other time of year  do so many have so many intentional secrets either in thought or deed? 

 What other time of year do husbands, wives, and children purposely hide their purchases unless they are part of the drug cartel or are in some sleazy affair either for love, money, or power?

 The power of observation in the mass population has been  elevated through intense exercise for at least the last six weeks. People around the world have being carefully observing, following, watching and surreptitiously quizzing  their loved ones to get a sense of the  perfect gift to acquire.  People have planned these Christmas purchases and ultimate surprise delivery with as much care as any military operation by having the timing  of the purchase arranged just right, as well as concealing said purchase, covered by then in shiny paper, ribbons, and  obligatory tinsel until the perfect  time of reveal somewhere between 6 pm  December 24 and 8 am December 25. 

 Things have been  and will be covered, stuffed  and jammed into and underneath places that never before have seen such articles.  Trunks of cars, backs of cupboards, under stairways, garage shelves, and under beds will all be precious unlikely storage areas for such things as watches, crystal, books, jewelry, chocolates, lingerie, furs, and even kittens.  

 Ultimately, after all this planning one also has to somehow hide the financial cost from the end of the month bank statement.

Yes , sneakiness is part of the season without a doubt.

My dad had a sense of this sneakiness when he had an especially wanted living room chair delivered on  Christmas Eve by the local McLeod's furniture dealer while our family was out visiting.  He also exercised this same skill when he brought in a huge and very heavy box into the house about a week before Christmas to have us, his two eldest daughters, wrap for our Mom in front of our Mom.  Christmas Day proved that it was a large rock sitting on top of a Smith Corona typewriter.

Granted it seems in some cases that being sneaky and smart are  neither kind or even in anyway connected when one considers the guy whose wife , after all the presents were opened and  there was nothing but paper under the tree, mischievously announced  with a gleam in her eye as she looked at her husband that there is another present to open.  As he sat looking blank and unknowing, the wife went into the bedroom closet and after hearing a gasp, he followed her to see her holding a note that said 'Thank you for the earrings, darling."  A bit of sneakiness gone awry as apparently earrings were found in the same said pocket a week prior.

This  sneakiness also was also explored in our  own household about 32 years ago this Christmas Season.  In the days of having to get a Complete Medical Examination performed before one could apply for a Marriage License, my soon to be husband had to go to his parents' house  and use their phone to make the  required  appointment.  As he didn't want prying questions as to why an otherwise healthy and strong young man would be going to the doctor, he fake limped on his motorcycle accident knee so no questions would be asked.  His concerned mother hovered over him for the next week suggesting pain killers and braces.  His  sore knee was  much talked about at the next  meeting of the Women's Institute  as a neighbour lady had actually seen him limping into the doctor's waiting room.  


There was even more talk about two weeks later when the Women's Institute next met in the New Year  about the confirmed bachelor who had somehow ran off with his sore knee and had gotten married over the Christmas Season.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Magpie Musings.

As 2013 comes to a rapid and icy close  cloaked in frigid air and  walking out on frost bitten toes there are still some mysteries of the year that have so far been left unanswered.

Here are my top ten unanswered questions for 2013--some are new...some have replaced last year's unsolved problems due to immediacy and intense need to know..and others are just some random inquisitive thoughts not based on the urge  to increase knowledge but  mostly just about idol if not idle curiosity.

1.  Just who? and what ?and why? are Kardashians anyone should care about? I suppose that could count as three but I am the writer of this and I choose to consider this only one question because it is so trite.

2. Has anyone ever figured out where all those floating feet off of the British Columbia coast came from? Y/N answer will suffice.

3. Why would any one ever shop at Target? --This might involve a paragraph type answer. Use the bottom of this blog if necessary. 

4. Why has my Dad's estate not been settled after nearly ten years?
     I suspect there are a few 'fill in the blanks' multiple choice responses to be explored.  I could have made it a T/F answer as well.

5. Why am I always hungry? A rhetoric question.

6. How can it be that the Government owes me about $3000 in taxes  which I paid last year, but because of an error in calculation I now owe it  an additional $1000 , only to be  reimbursed totally sans interest in the  next tax year?  I expect no response  due to the high volume of calls being experienced at pretty much any time of the day.

7.  Just why were those two cops who came to my house in the dark about a month ago quizzing my husband about how he got fired and advising him that if he wanted to get his job back he could just give the bosses a call?  I doubt if there will ever be a REAL answer that can be published or hardly even talked about..but I do have my suspicions..PANEFUL as it is. To me, however,  the answer is clear as GLASS.  

These last few questions will be in the form of matching.

8.  Why do magpies wipe their beaks         a) no reason
     in the snow before eating a piece of 
     dog food?

9. Why are Senators who steal from           b) no reason
    the public not put in jail?

10. Why is Rob Ford newsworthy?            c) no reason

I'm like a magpie. I use lots of different things to build a character.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

(Don't) Wait On Me

Probably the only real reason I like to eat out is the fact that I don't have to do the clean up.

 My actual preferred type of eating establishment is cafeteria style where one simply chooses the food oneself without a barrage of questions regarding sauces, up sizing, or extras.

But as cafeteria style food isn't always available or the preferred social milieu of one's companion, sometimes I have to acquiesce and actually go to a sit down restaurant and participate in the socially accepted interaction between the servers and myself.  

There seems in our society that there is an automatic expectation, an unwritten contract if you will, between restaurant management staff  and their clients that has somehow evolved that implies that the number of times a waiter/waitress interrupts a conversation  to ask 'if there is anything more you need?' is equal to the value and efficiency and ultimately to the enjoyment of the eating 'out' experience. 

I think it is time these restaurants realize that an enjoyable dining out experience is more than having a someone hover over you as if you are going to somehow crash and burn because your every culinary need or whim is not immediately met.  It is time they realized that good service means sometimes no service in the sense that too much of anything, in this case 'hovering' is often intrusive and ultimately really annoying. 
How does one get the best service ever in a restaurant  and at the same time have a pleasant conversation with your supper date  without being either ignored or pestered by the servers you query?

Give the waitress/waiter $5 the  very first time they approach your table with menus. Explain that  your goal that evening is a long and intimate conversation with your companion with whom you haven't seen in several months (even if it isn't true).  You could  even suggest that you have to discuss serious private matters concerning your recent Lotto winnings,  or that you are meeting this person on important government security business. This all helps to impress the server that your goal of conversation is more desired than any type of service they may render.

      Inform this person in a polite and straightforward manner that you will not be annoyed in any way if you have to stand up and wave to them if you would like more coffee or  if you require a clean fork or would like to order off the desert menu.

Tell them that you don't even care all that much if the food isn't just perfect, the exact preferred temperature, or even if it isn't what you ordered.  

Tell this person whose feet probably are already tired and hurting, who has dealt with annoying and demanding customers as well as their own supervisors for the past five hours, that if need be, you will tell their boss that you have specifically asked to be somewhat ignored.

You can make little rules between you and the server regarding fresh coffee needs and/or when more water or another order for food would be welcome by leaving empty cups or dishes at the edge of the table to indicate that , "Yes, you may now come and see if we need anything else." 

"If I ever own a restaurant, I will never allow the waiters to ask if the diners like their dishes. Particularly when they're talking." - Orson Welles quotes from

Friday, December 6, 2013

(NO) That AIN'T the Truth.

Don't you just hate it when you realize that you are being lied to? 

Especially when the person lying to you is a  friend  that you have extended the sacred bond of trust and the treasured attribute of respect  that inherently accompanies such trust. This trust is as most assuredly melded into  and cannot be separated from any friendship any more than one can separate an egg from a cake that has already been baked, remove a spice from a sauce once it has been mixed, or unsay a word once it has been uttered.

I am not referring to the parts of the friendship that sometimes requires  forgiveness for slights felt due to human error, forgetfulness, even selfishness.  I am not referring to thoughtless acts of  well intended comments that are obviously products of poor listening or understanding.  I am not even referring to habitual tardiness or tenuous appointment keeping.

What I am talking about is  an easily found out  lie that sometimes is placed at my feet by friends as a meager offering designed to imitate a real and legitimate truth. 

This type of lie from one who has been  deemed to be a friend is about as welcome as when our cat decides to bring a dead mouse into the house and leaves it at my feet.  They both somehow think that they can drag anything into the relationship, plunk it down in front of me and walk away and all will be well.  Little do either of them know that  the next time something is laid down in my path of life  in such a manner, the door of trust will be shut just a little sooner and the flow of friendship will be affected forever.

One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat has only nine lives.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Flakes of snow will soon be falling in my part of the world creating havoc for some, welcome diversion for others, and beauty in the eyes of those who like the pristine and untouched whiteness of a landscape smoothly covered in a flaky quilt of delicate ice crystals reminiscent of tatted doilies  spread over the back of a brushed navy sofa.

There are flakes of snow in nature. Flakes of oats and flakes of coconut in the food world.  In the world of elements and machines there are flakes of gold, metal, and paint.  

Flakes are usually light, small in nature, and generally not permanent or deep.  They are usually merely a hint that there is more to be tasted or seen.   Often they are just a decoration, a thin veil or veneer like covering such as  cheap plywood covered with a minuscule layer of precious lumber.

 All these are designed to catch the eye and suggest  more value  and depth than they  actually have.

There are Flakes of Attitude as well.  These flakes are in the form of some of the more ridiculous and trite aspects of our every day living.  These flakes have a way of piling up and covering what is really important every bit as much as millions upon millions of flakes of snow can cover the yellow line on the highway causing danger to all in the vicinity.

Flakes of Attitude involve the use and belief in Botox, Osh Kosh Baby Clothes, Designer Anything and Everything, Horoscopes, Magnets, Rock Readings, Oprah, and The Kardashians  to name just a few. The erroneous thought process that accompany these Flecks of the Attitude are often manifested in the See It Gotta Have It Mentality that is particularly prevalent during these, the darkest days of the year.  Flecks of Attitude can also be described as the phenomena of  'Sideways Thinking'--something that is often only vaguely sensed as an unease, a skip of a beat, or an action or gesture in opposition to professed values and beliefs ie. charity offerings vs. use of third world labourers for materials bought.  

And the NAIL is???

The nail is the fact that the truth of  all Flakes whether they are animal, mineral, or attitudinal will without a doubt sooner or later be exposed for the hoaxes that they are, just as assuredly as the flakes of snow that will land and linger for a while, obscuring my journey in the world  this winter,  and which will invariably be exposed by the warmth and brightness  of truth that can only be compared to the beauty of a  sunny spring day...

...and then the world will be a better place.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hair Raising

I spent some time in the 'Beauty Parlour' the other day having my monthly to six week procedure done of cut, colour, and, of course, a  glorious shampoo.  There really isn't  anything better than a peppermint shampoo being liberally and robustly scrubbed into one's scalp.  Invigorating and worth every dollar spent having it done.

That is the 'Beauty' of the whole scene.  

Now I will discuss the Beauty of the Parler si on peut le dire en francais.

Yes, sans doubt, a visit to a place where there are primarily women, who have time on their hands, who have the money to spend, and who are without a doubt going to walk out of the premises looking better than they went in, is a place of much chatter, giggling, gossip, and revelations.  

So it was that interesting day at the House of Hair and Spray. 

 The conversation casually started , I think,  with what and how the Hallowe'en Trick/Treaters fared for the young mothers in the group.
They spoke of children wandering into the Liquor Store and actually getting a treat, of home made costumes and other trickery. 

This conversation  ultimately wandered into tricks people have played on family on April 1 (April Fool's Day).  One young woman proclaimed  with unusual glee that that day was her family's favourite holiday (I hadn't realized it was a holiday).  I  continued to listen unobtrusively with head covered in a plastic bag, hair matted down in a brown syrupy mess to find out exactly why this 'holiday' would be so appealing.

"I will never forget the April 1 that I was six," proclaimed one young woman.  " My mother woke us all up yelling , 'Fire! Fire!'." "I was traumatized." 

Not to be outdone another young woman announced that her Great Aunt Hilda who is 80 years old lies down at the bottom of the stairs and groans every April 1 morning and catches her unsuspecting family off guard almost every time.

A third young woman chimed in that she got her 5 year old daughter to call up her older sister and tell her that 'Mommy won't wake up.' and the resulting chaos than ensued- as the panicked woman hung up the phone and jumped into the car to her sister's to check that all was well before she was told it was a trick.

Then, there was the story about one of their brothers who had gone out the night before April 1 and somehow fell out of a tree simply because in the tone of derision only a sister can muster, "He is a man."

This 'man' supposedly called his father  to say that he needed help because he had fallen out of a tree and had broken his ankle.  His father noting the date on the calendar being the early morning of April 1 merely said, "Sure you did.", and hung up and turned over and went back to sleep."  About  an hour later when the son hadn't yet returned the father decided he should go see where his son had gotten to at such a late hour. He found him , sitting by a curb not far from home under a tree with a broken ankle. 

Now the Nail! The Point!

As I watched the beauticians working hard cutting, colouring , creaming, snipping, spraying, brushing,  curling, and ironing clients' hair I was privy to a conversation that really showed that just because you  have gotten your hair done and you  think you look smart doesn't mean that you are smart..or even kind, thoughtful, or grateful for that matter.

Client:  I'd like to come back before Christmas.
Beautician:  Well, let's see.  I am pretty booked up already.
Client:  It's really important that I get my hair done again before we leave.
Beautician:  Well, how about the 8:00 in the morning? I could come in an hour early if you like? 
Client: Hmmm.
Beautician:  That is if you don't think it is too early. 
Client:  I really don't know.  I'm not really a morning person.
Beautician:  (Pause)  How about 6:30 pm that day? I can stay an hour later. My mom can make supper for the kids that night I suppose.
Client:  Sure that would work.

Yep., you can go to a Beauty Parlor every day of the week , at any time of the day, and you aren't going to be very pretty if the Beauty isn't on the inside too.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


The daily menus of many North American households have certainly changed over the years not only due to availability of certain foods, but also in the fact that people are more informed about the effects food has on our minds and bodies. 

 There are all sorts of diets out there that cater to all sorts of people and  personalities in every  sort of profession and   professed life style and philosophy .

There are the diets of the omnivores and  the carnivores, the vegan, the vegetarian, the gluten free, the carbohydrate limited, fat free, sugar free,  dairy free, and caffeine free. There are diets that contain only food that is either raw, fermented, or organic.
Many of these diets are exclusive to any other and  often the consumer relies on their  own understood definition to guide them in their choice of food in  a manner of rigidity reminiscent of Aunt Heddie in Canada's favourite  television program 'Anne of Green Gables'.

Some foods of these diets are a more expensive than others , particularly during certain times of the year here in the Great White North.  Some foods of these diets are completely foreign not only to to the country but also to the palate and the plate. Some foods could never even enter the country along with some of their citizens in years past due to political issues around the world.

My parents would have found it strange to have many of these foods and diets as options on their weekly household menus. Living and working in a culture  to produce food primarily to sell to others for distribution and consumption locally and around the world, our definition of a foreign meal was Spaghetti Os and Pizza, with a semi yearly treat to the local Chinese Restaurant where one could order 'Canadian' and get a hamburger or the Combination Special of rice, chicken balls, and stirred fired vegetables with the most exotic ingredient being almonds.

The Point? The Reason ? The Nail? for all this blither you query?*This does NOT apply to those who have Medical /Religious reasons for their diets.

There is something about a society where people  have the power and are allowed the self important indulgence of  successfully following a self prescribed diet that implies an actual choice of which food to overtly and overly consume, that I find   unctuous and dangerously decadent; especially as very few of these palate preferred consumers can not resist the temptation of loudly judging those who do not prescribe to their particular brand of food consumption. 

 It is worrisome, I think, to have so many facets of our society self identify by what they EAT, instead of self describing their attributes in terms character, values and ethics. 

 Is it perhaps because the former is easier to attain than the latter?

An Example of a Day's Menu 50 years ago.

Breakfast: Puffed Wheat, Brown Sugar, Whole Cows Milk (when we had it, otherwise it was skim milk from powder).

Lunch: Lipton Chicken Noodle Soup, Salted Crackers, Bread/Jam
Velveeta cheese sandwiches (or) Spam sandwiches. Tang for juice.

Supper (Dinner in other parts of the world): Elbow Macaroni with canned tomatoes over top, boiled wieners or fried baloney, and canned peas. Tang or skim  powdered milk if there was any left from breakfast.

Dessert: Canned fruit with real cream or rice pudding with raisins.

Pancakes and syrup were a treat.  Bacon and eggs for the whole family a rarity. Pot Roast and Chicken were for days when men were at the table depending upon the time of year. 

No one dared to declare in those days they were 'chicken free' for the same reason people in third world countries today who dig through the garbage finding rats to eat don't become 'rat free'--they'd all go hungry

Friday, November 15, 2013

Apples are Apples or Are They?

People are a lot like apples I think. 

I say this because, like apples , people are often better one at a time, are more prone to sweetness when they are young, and often rot easier if put them too close to another in a small area.

Apples often can become tart, bitter, and not just a little bit off colour when left too long before being enjoyed. And like people,  they sometimes develop a thick skin which is hard to get through and which tends to become rough on the surface.  This makes it even tougher and less attractive, resulting in a the fruit that becomes dry and coarse in taste and texture.

All I really know is that all too often apples and people that have been left unattended, uncared for, and unused just keep getting more sour  and bitter.  They actually become a determent to the other apples around them.

 Finally, in a pie shell, I would have to conclude that unless something drastic happens to both an apple and a person, both will  only get worse with time, although with apples one may still make wine, in contrast to people when all you get is whine.

A little memory of my grandma and grandpa.  Apples were stored in the basement of their farm house..wrapped in tissue paper, boxed, and situated beside the big wood burning furnace.  It was my duty when visiting to venture down the twisty creaky basement stairs to bring up AN apple to be shared by the three of us after it was ceremoniously unwrapped from its white paper, washed ,  cut and cored.

Such a difference from today when bags of apples are placed in fruit bowls and set out on the table to be enjoyed by all anytime of the day. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

2nd place...

Second Place?

A friend recently commented that in a certain instance  I am second place.  Now that in itself gives one pause to think upon not only the quality of the friendship but also the essence of what it means exactly to BE second place.

 My friendship being measured, judged, and found less valued than some other, my prime recollection of being in second place consequently came rushing into my mind's eye. This recollection  is based upon the  continual and unrelenting experience with country school track meets of my far distant youth in terms of real time, but which can be readily accessed through painful and emotionally damaged reveries. 

  There was this 'other  person' involved  that made being second become  embedded into my forever psyche as much as paint has been embedded in the  fiberglass of my husband's  helmet as a consequence of a  motorcycle accident. 

  I am referring to the only track event that I could possibly ever have come first in, the only event that took little or no actual practice, the only event that came naturally to myself as a farm girl used to lifting bales of hay, pitch forking  out the barn, and  shoveling out the last bit of spoiled barley from a partially semi empty mouse laden grain bin.  

I am thinking of   the fine sport of Shot Putt throwing.  My forte.  My expertise extraordinaire.   My place to shine. Mon raison d'etre part of the Track and Field Team.

But, unfortunately for me but fortunately for HER, there was another prairie girl, another farmer's daughter, another like no other who could out throw, out toss and out perform even moi in the area of this Olympic sanctified event.  She was at EVERY field meet and track and field event that I ever attended at the country school, high school, and even district level...and she won the coveted RED First Place ribbon every every time, while I, consequently , took the pale coloured white unnoticeable, ignored, unappreciated and often lost before it even got home ribbon signifying  the dubious and unappreciated status of being better than most but not better than best.

Name me one person who has framed their white second place ribbons. Show me one picture in a high school year book that features a collection of white second place ribbons fanned out in the hands of the dubious winner.  Indeed, show me any surviving white ribbon of that long ago era where competition was accepted and sportsmanship expected.  

Yep, my friend said I was in second place.  Thanks friend. In the realm of feel good messages that ranks less than the best..far far down the list and way past second place.

BUT then again second place might not be so bad after all. It might be good to be in second place if you are in a line up to go 'over the hill' during a combat situation, or if you are standing at a buffet and the guy in front of you drops from food poisoning, or even if you are the second place guy crossing an intersection where someone has gone through  a red light.    A white ribbon in those instances would be a welcome gift, a sign of being  chosen, a place of gratitude and contentment. 

I think I will choose  to attribute  the intention of my friend's labeling of 'second' place as a place not at the top but a long way from the bottom. Isn't that and should that  not be good enough for anyone?...

...unless of course there are only three in the race  which was the case in the 1972 Saskatchewan Summer Games in which I was a participant in Women's Canoeing.   We came in third in three races and second in one. 

  I still have the medals and the memories.

Soon it will be Christmas...another year done...

Yes, as the song goes.... soon it will be Christmas...another year done.. 

Along with Christmas comes the inevitable Christmas Parties with their gaiety, fine food, fellowship and  legend making activities.

Who can't recall with some  passing delight if not actual devilish glee some revealing antic that happened at past Christmas Office Party? Ah yes, who does not know of  the mix of truth telling, truth inventing, and truth stretching that is given leave to be circulated all under the innocent guise of 'filling in' the worker who hadn't been able to attend the annual function of dysfunction and mayhem which accompanies most of these  celebrations  denoting the total ignorance of what the Season is truly all about? These truths that spread faster than the  artificial lighting that drapes over every eave, roof, and metal railing in the average North American household, that may or may not cause red faces, vivid day dreams, and domestic disputes for years to come.

These 'truths' embellished with details that are peppered with superiority, speculated  upon as to the inner motivations, combined with the blurred memory of the story teller contributes to the Office Consciousness that when tapped will provide many hours of biting, condemning, and snickering conversation in the lunch room for months until at least the  office Spring Bar-B-Q. 

Is it not a just a bit strange then that the very reason these 'parties' even exist at all, the very origin of the Greatest Party on Earth, the real Meaning of the Season , has nothing to do with buffet tables, open bars, bonuses, and collections for the boss's gift?  In fact, I suspect that very very few of Office Party attendees give very much thought to the actual reason for the season. 

 I suspect these social gatherings are more of an opportunity to see and be seen, an opportunity to schmooze with the upper echelon of the corporation, and often an unhappy opportunity based on lust and too much alcohol to test one's attractiveness by expressing one's previously and  the oh so wisely hidden desire for a romantic dalliance with a co-worker, their spouse or some combination thereof, however brief.

A few examples of character revealing Christmas Party antics...which are not exaggerated, contrived, or invented..well not a lot anyways.

Christmas Character Flaw Revealed #1

  How about those crocodile tears that flowed when the Boss thanked everyone for the World Vision Gifts bought for her in her name? Really...she didn't KNOW one could  do that? How can she be the age she is, with the money she has, and live in the world we live in  and NOT know of World Vision?

 Christmas Character Reveal #2

How about that worker and his wife who BRING  and pass around unasked for goodies to augment the Boss's office party?  

 Blatant trying to get in good with the boss attempt perhaps.  

Christmas Character Reveal #3

The person with the big official and professional type looking boots who flung their leg over the table while slogging back copious amounts of booze to the shocked dismay of the others at the table revealed more than her lack of manners.  It also revealed the lower standard of character traits that her particular profession has allowed into their ranks. 

Christmas Character Reveal #4

The Christmas group photo.  How could one miss the squeezing in of some office staff into the back row of male co workers?  One can only speculate on the 'why' of it all.

There are a million Christmas Parties going on in North American this season-- opportunities for millions more character revealing incidents.  

If you feel you would like to share your own or another's Character Reveal , please do so in the comment section to be enjoyed by the rest of us.

Visit the site to learn more about sponsoring a child or donating to a very worthy cause.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Hoffman

Good evening everyone. Let me first of all introduce myself and my husband...I am Penny Hoffman and this is my husband Irwin...we are the proud parents of Alexander and the proud new in laws of our most beautiful bride Mel.

And before I go any further I would like to congratulate Shirley and Kevin on their anniversary and to acknowledge Mel's grandma as being the first bride in the group on this date.

 Best Wishes to you all.I wanted to say a few words tonight to tell the world just how pleased we both are with Alexander's choice for life partner

. It was about 6 years ago when I FINALLY received that phone call that all parent's wait for...that phone call that announces that their child is bringing someone special home for them to meet.

 My first impression?
 What a beauty! Red hair! Wonderful smile!

My second impression? What a nice little girl.

 My third impression later on in the weekend?
 'Yep. This could be the ONE."Followed later by the thought: "That would be a good thing."

Shortly after their arrival to our rural home near Yorkton, Alexander went off exploring 'home' and left Mel sitting in the kitchen with me while I prepared lunch. I remember visiting with her and her talking about her mom and dad, her sister, her grandma, and her aunts and uncles...all in this first conversation and I thought to myself, "This young woman really loves her family and is well loved by her family. How nice! How refreshing!"

Over the years that we have known Mel our own love for her has steadily grown ...her ready smile and wonderful laugh, her down to earth practicality in knowing what in life is important..(proven when she bought Alexander blue jeans for Christmas one year), and her genuine goodness and compassion has never ceased to impress us.

 I also want to mention that she is a GREAT co-camper--a true test of character.

Just a little story...Mel's first experience camping in a tent was with us during a very cold and snowy May long weekend. Our camping experience, being a bit more primitive than most, consists of a small camper with the private facilities being located in a little tent outside of the camper. In the middle of the cold wet night I happened to look out and saw the 'facility' tent wiggling and wiggling and I thought that it must have been particularly windy out. It wasn't until the next morning that Mel shared that she had been out and about in the middle of the night and that the zipper on that particular shelter had gotten stuck and that the wiggling that I had seen in the night was her trying to escape until she finally crawled on her hands and knees to get outside and free. What is even more incredible is that she even went camping again after that experience. She has an open invitation from Irwin to go camping anytime

.I would now like to give a few words of advice from someone who has been married for over 30 years...some of this knowledge will be well entrenched in any long married couple's relationship so it wouldn't be new to many in the crowd.

1st of all I would like to forewarn Mel and Alexander that there are indeed going to be moments when you just will "have to love them anyway'. I am talking about those times when you will have to grit your teeth, bite your lip, leave the room and go for a walk." Such moments may come when, from pure just plain lack of judgment and bad luck salt instead of the sugar will be used to top off the rhubarb crisp . A walk might be in order following an incident let's say of the use of a blow torch on a family heirloom crystal candle stick used to dislodge old wax. A good lip biting might be the best choice in terms of response when for example, 'someone' drives long long long long after the gauge shows HOT on the dash of a little treasured Mazda quarter ton truck and consequently melts the whole of the engine block. ( like who knew that could actually happen?)

Other times these methods of home preservation may be used would be after 'someone' forgets to close the deep freeze door for the weekend, or when one of you takes the car off to work with the other's purse in the passenger seat beside them in plain sight...and an even BIGGER LIP BITE might be in order when one partner drives off through the mud for three miles before realizing that the 'other' is indeed not in the back seat and is in actuality still standing outside-- in the field-- in the rain.

My second piece of advice to both Alexander and Mel as they embark on their life together is to make sure they always remember that the other one has been greatly loved and cherished by their own parents . Parents, who only want the very best for them. I ask that during the dark times , the times when they are the most angry, the times when they do not want to forgive and forget, the times when they most want to lash out, that they remember that deep down inside the other one is still the little child that was loved and cuddled by their parents and that they try to use that image to be compassionate, forgiving and loving once again.

Finally I would like to thank all of Mel's relatives along with Grandma, Shirley and Kevin, with a special thanks also to sister Kerry, for welcoming Alexander aka "Slick" so nicely into their family fold.

 There is nothing that makes a parent happier than to know that their child is loved and safe and I believe that to be true today.

May God Bless you Alexander and Mel with many wonderful years together. We wish you prosperity, good health, and much happiness but along with all those things I wish you the doubled joy and half the grief that is possible by a life being shared.

May He give you each wisdom and patience and the capacity to forgive as you travel onward through this special life's journey. May all the marriages in this building be blessed by your example and, also, as today is the anniversary of other weddings, may it serve as a reminder to us all that one does not simply 'get' married...but rather one 'does' marriage...over and over and over again.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Red Socks

Today's Topic  is Socks

Socks are the common denominator in our society.  |The majority of the people reading this are wearing at least one pair, and this pair has been deliberately chosen to be the ones worn for this day --a day that also  also includes the choice to read this blog.

Some of these socks may range anywhere  from being plain white (male or female) ankle or knee length , neon striped with articulated toes and heals, plus  almost  every conceivable design, colour, sports logo, weight, texture, and material that the modern man has imagined and manufactured.

Gone are the days of  the home made knit socks and darning needles and   darning eggs for the  weekly hole repair. 

However, no matter what genre sock is involved the mystery as to where the socks go after they are placed in the dryer remains to this day.  When my family was growing up I made it a rule to only have white socks ..same style, same size there wasn't any hassle in figuring out whose socks belonged to whom, and there were usually enough left socks for the right socks to pair up with.       

I have had the same two feet for over 60 years. For over 60 years I have been concerned over finding, searching for, and wearing matching socks on these same two feet... feet which in fact are NOT matching in themselves. In reality they are barely mirror images of each other being in turn (and often in circles) alternately left and right. Therefore, tonight for the first time in 60 years, I am going to wear mismatched socks.. hearkening to the ancient adage that 'if you can't find the right one. . then you have to wear the one that's left."

Red Socks are special.  They take you to parties where one meets the most interesting people,  They also help you to  dance like you think no one is looking.  The wearing of them can almost guarantee that you will get home late or early depending upon which side of the clock you want to look at. 

 There are at least 4 'at one time used to be 19 years old'  women who lived at #6-1953 Garnet Street, Regina, Saskatchewan in the early 1970's that can attest to the truth of the above statement.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Mail Order Shopping

Hey there Laura! 

Thanks for leaving your  Catalogue at work for my perusal. Yes I'd like to place an order , but first I would like to

ask a few questions regarding products and their usage etc.

1. I was fascinated by the thought of using a Fat Mop, but just wondering if one should use it wet or dry in or out of the shower?

2. The wire Facial Hair Remover looks plugging into anything I am thinking. Quite good for camping. Does the Fuzz Eater come separately?

3. I will definitely be ordering the Bunion Toe Spreader...make that two (2) for the left foot --any colour will do.
4. Super Duper on the Super Kegel fore sure...I'll take one in Green...this item will also go nicely with the  EZ Ladies Travel Urinal.. After receiving these items I plan on not only filling up the van tank with gas while traveling but will also be able to get one of those large Cokes to Go.

5. What about those Prostrate mention of colour or type of outer material Velcro? burlap? or just plain velvet? I'll take a dozen of those little rascals for each of my hubby's outfits.

6. I'll be ordering a full carton of Anti Vibration Pads too.--you can pack them with the Kegal/Urinal Container.

7. I notice a Ring is on that page with the bathroom that any ring? ie. Wedding? Nose? ..Belly Button?

8. Those Banana Guards looked interesting...I'll get back to you on those.

9. A co-worker wanted me to ask if your company carried Udder Butter and Bag Bomb (she claims I spelled that last wrong but whatever....).

IB me with the estimated cost. I am hoping for a bit of a discount for such a big order.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Butt that's Tacky!

As I was sitting in a restaurant the other day I overheard (eavesdropped)  a conversation between a handsome, fit, and tanned doctor and his fashionable family while they partook of their meal. Their conversation ranged from the obese individual at a table across the room, racial comments about incidences of vandalism in the area, and the quality or lack thereof of the food they were eating. Just shows to go ya that it isn't so much what goes into one's mouth that makes one is actually what comes out.

Now this is the rest of the story....

 Prior to this eavesdropped conversation,   as this self imagined 'first' family were leaving their table situated across from our own to go to the buffet, the doctor's wife  accidentally (at least I think accidentally ) rubbed her dainty  gluteus   maximus on my elbow.

   I found  it strange that she didn't turn around to see who or what she rubbed against.

 After I overheard the conversation and my husband told me name of the doctor,  I remembered  that  this  doctor has a reputation of being a womanizer.  I  then thought, 'That might explain why she didn't turn around and say excuse me. She may have thought it was my husband she touched, or else maybe she knew it was me and SHE is a womanizer too.'


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Two Definitions

Today I will discuss  my  first experience with  one of the two definitions of Leverage* and ultimately my second happier experience with the second.

The first  experience with leverage occurred during the moving of our family from our city apartment back to our country home. 

 The washing machine which was situated in the basement of the townhouse was going to need to be loaded onto a cart for transport. 

 The stairs leading up from the basement were the type that had a  landing on the stairway and then the steps turned at a right angle to complete the rise to the ground level.  

As moving appliances was usually happily not in the realm of my pre - transport duties I spent most of the morning packing the mundane kitchen/bathroom items and utensils all the while listening to things being dragged around in the basement, back door opening and closing, several trips up and down the stairs, some nonthreatening banging and clanging, with some murmuring  under the breath guttural moans and  expressions.

  All seemed to be going according to schedule.

  Until...I got the call.

"Dear, could you come down here for a second?"

Fearing someone had gotten hurt, or perhaps I needed to run an errand, I immediately went down to see why I was being hearkened in such sweet and loving manner.

As I turned the corner to go down the stairs I saw my husband standing at the bottom with two lengths of planking lying along the steps  and  the washing machine resting at the bottom.

I slowed my pace...warily squeezing by the appliance and planks--no small feat as I was six months pregnant at the time.

"What would you like?", I asked eyeing the scene dubiously as little alarms started to tinkle at the back of my consciousness.

"I can't get the washing machine around the corner of the landing so I want you to stand here. " He said as he pointed to the bottom of the steps, "I am going to the top of the stairs  and slide the washing machine up the steps using the planks for support."

 I thought to myself, 'Well that is easy enough...I can do that! As long as he doesn't let the washing machine slide back on me....'. 

Then he said, " As I get the washing machine to the top of the landing, I want you to lift the planks up to your shoulders and just stand there."

  As my bladder lurched and the baby kicked, my inner thoughts were , " this is too much.  Had this man gone MAD? Was he conniving some sort of household accident in his mind's eye?  Had I finally pushed him over the brink?

 Did he actually expect me...his darling, little , and kind wife and mother of 3 1/2  of his cherished children to actually be able to lift TWO heavy planks PLUS a washing machine to the level of her shoulders without suffering any serious consequences or harm?"

 The greater fear was  that his expectations  of my success were perhaps not really  that high. 

He stood there waiting for my response as I weighed the odds of receiving at the very least skinned shins, knees, and arms if the machine fell back down the stairs,  all the way to possibly experiencing a hernia compounded by a cardiac event  or worse if I attempted such a feat.

 As he was already half way up the stairs with said appliance preparing to drag it precariously upward and outward,  I  obediently said, " OK.  If you think I can do it."

So it began.  

I watched as the washing machine was hauled up slowly by hand higher and higher over the planks accompanied by scraping sounds like nails on a chalkboard. 

 When the machine got near the landing, he said, "Now! Now! Pick up the planks and place them on your shoulder."

I took a deep breath (as deep as any  woman who is six months pregnant could) and laboriously bent over,  grabbed a plank in each hand, and without hardly any effort lifted the planks surprisingly quickly up to my shoulders. 

 I raised my eyes to see the washing machine miraculously being pulled level onto the landing and consequently disappearing around the corner and ultimately heard it being dragged up over the next stairway and out the door.

THAT apparently is leverage.


       Give me a place to stand , and I will move the Earth. -- Archimedes

But it didn't end there. 

There are two definitions of leverage* remember. 

Henceforward, whenever there seems to be an impasse in who does what for whom in terms of favours, gifts, or outings,   I sometimes hearken back to the 'time I helped move the washing machine'  to leverage the situation in my favour. 


Full Definition of LEVERAGE

:  the action of a lever or the mechanical advantage gained by it
:  power, effectiveness leverage
:  the use of credit to enhance one's speculative capacity

Examples of LEVERAGE

  1. The union's size gave it leverage in the labor contract negotiations.
  2. The player's popularity has given him a great deal of leverage with the owners of the team.
  3. I used the leverage of the bar and a wooden block to pry the rock out of the hole.

First Known Use of LEVERAGE


Rhymes with LEVERAGE


transitive verb
: to use (something valuable) to achieve a desired result

Full Definition of LEVERAGE

:  to provide (as a corporation) or supplement (as money) with leverage; also :  to enhance as if by supplying with financial leverage
:  to use for gain :  exploit leverage
the system to their advantage — Alexander Wolff>

Examples of LEVERAGE

  1. The company wants to leverage its brands more effectively.
  2. leverage
her 15 minutes of fame>

First Known Use of LEVERAGE

